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Pace maker & Dental implant

Just checking if some one had dental implants or a tooth extraction done with a pacemaker.Dentist says it is not big deal - but with blood thinner should I insist on a dental surgeon. Just concerned.


Advocate for yourself!

My first DEXA Scan at the doctors request was 10 years ago and at the time revealed mild osteopenia.  I learned a little about it and was glad it was "mild".  Fast forward to now.  I asked the doctor if I could have another DEXA Scan and she agreed.  The tech advised me I should have been having this test and monitored every 2 years. 

So now the doctor calls and wants me to come in for a conversation because this new scan revea...


Elusive Search Function

Since the site has been updated, I can not find the search function.  Can someone please direct me to it. 

I even searched with my magnifying glass.  :)

Grateful Heart



 I have another quick question if that's ok

i have been given a Fitbit watch for my birthday 

and just wondered if it is safe to use with the pacemaker 



Question on Rejection

I was talking to a friend who has a coronary stent the other day and he mentioned that he was taking medication to prevent his body from rejecting the stent and it got me wondering why pacemaker recipients don't need to take medication to prevent the body from rejecting the pacemaker and leads.


recurrence of fib

I have had two pacemakers the last one put in two years ago.  I had a complete cardio ablation so I am 100% dependent. The first pacemaker lastet for 10 years.  I have been pretty good until now.  I am having shortness of breath and hard heartbeats and coughs.  Also it is becoming harder to climb small hill.  Actually not as bad but a lot the same symptoms that was the reason I had to have the ablation in the first place.  I am 82 years old and in good health. &n...


Year in

Just joined and want to say hello to everyone. I'm a year in with my device! 


Hair Stylist

Is there any other hair stylists on here? I had my pm put in April... 2 weeks after I delivered my son. I am back from maternity leave to work fully on July 10th. I have been working for 3-4 hours on Thursdays the last month with no issues. This week I did 4 hours yesterday and another 4 today and I am sore at the incision site. I am nervous about my full schedule in a week. Anyone have experience with this and what did you do?


Question about Garmin fit it HR

I think someone can help me here. I just got a Garmin  HR to replace my old normal vivo tracker. Now, the rep, said it is safe to use with pacemaker because it shines a light into your wrist to count heartbeats. I got the thing in house, it says check with your Dr. Before using it. I feel like I am calling him way to much. He will not want to hear from me anymore. I called  Rep ,again, they said it was just a light no electricity or magnates. I hope one of you can answer this for me...



I received my Pacemaker in February of 2015 due to having vasovagal syncope.  I've had no significant issues since then, but a month or so ago, I started having heart palpitations everyday.  I had an EKG and also the Nurse Practitioner transmitted from my pm and said no afib was detected.  I wore a holster monitor for 48 hours and just returned it today.  I don't have the results of that yet, but the palpitations are making me very nervous.  Anyone else experi...


Sleeping on stomach

I've had my pacemaker for three weeks.  I've always been a stomach sleeper and my doctor didn't have much to say about it.  Wondering how all you other stomach sleepers have coped and if any complications have arisen.  'thanx'.


Bucket Lists

Added something new to my bucket list, Via Ferrata. What's on your bucket list?



I walk every day. On a good day, I walk over two and a half miles and on a bad day, a mile. More often than not it's two and a half miles. I always feel ok and seem appropriately winded after doing so. What's weird is, certain days I'll do very simple things like taking a shower or walking across a grocery store and I'll be really winded... inappropriately so. Is this just part of the healing process? My energy level is all over the place.  Im 4 weeks in.  They&...


Bad Fall

Pacemaker installed Dec 22/16. Had a really bad fall 2 days ago hit pacemaker area very hard, muscle pain and now isolated pain in chest shoud I worry. Can a bad fall do any damage to pacemaker?


⚡️*UPDATE 2*ICD site tender after swimming⚡️


On Friday, I was swimming(quite rigorously) at my parents house, after which I started to feel odd pains (mostly sharp, little bit of pressure) around my icd site and right below the clavicle. Thinking that it was just from swimming, I didn't think of anything. Except today(Sunday), my pain(mostly pressure) is still present. Should I call the doctors office or should I wait and see? Thanks in advance, 


So aroun...


New development

I had an attack of Afib, ( I found out later after download to my remote thing from pacemaker) At 4 in morning! So scary, thought I was in batch, then go to fib, then.... lights out, that did not happen. Wanted to go to hospital, hubby said no, your headset is only 110 and it will settle down! Called Dr on Sunday, he said if I felt bad go to hospital, if not wait and call back on Monday. So, we had a dinner party planned, it went well!! Will, cut this short, went to Dr on Friday, he said my m...


Pulse drops to 43bpm

i wondering if anyone can explain this.

ive had a pacemaker for four years. Last October I had an AV Node Ablation so obviously the pacemaker pretty much controls my heart rate.

i also have sleep apnoea. Last night early am I woke with shortness of breath and very fast pulse, this lasted for approximately 15-20 seconds.

i have two devices that can read my pulse and they both showed a heart rate of 43 the building up to 85-90. 

This has never happened before.


Shock feeling between 3rd and 4th rib

Hi I'm in my 4th pacemaker I had it put in last June and since it has been in I've been getting a shocking like feeling between my 3rd and 4th rib and the hospital doesn't know what's causing. Had anyone else had anything like this if so how was it resolved? 

Thanks Greg 


Gimme a beat....

For those of you that are able to feel being paced, what does it feel like for you? Mine feels like taps inside my heart.  Very strongly.  I've had them twice today and I counted them each time.... the first time was 89 of them and the second time was 88 of them.  Is that 89 jolts of electrical current or what am I feeling exactly?


BPM PM Question

  Went for a Pacemaker check up yesterday. 

  I asked the tech about my bpm being around the 63 mark at rest for a couple of months after I had the PM implanted and was told my PM only kicks in if my BPM drops below 60.  I then asked if I was no longer reliant on it as my BPM at rest is much higher, often in the upper 70s and 80s. She checked the results and told me I was 100% reliant on my PM. I don't understand. I have a dual lead pm, one because my beats...


You know you're wired when...

You invested in the Energizer battery company.

Member Quotes

I just want to share about the quality of life after my pacemaker, and hopefully increase awareness that lifestyles do not have to be drastically modified just because we are pacemaker recipients.