New development

I had an attack of Afib, ( I found out later after download to my remote thing from pacemaker) At 4 in morning! So scary, thought I was in batch, then go to fib, then.... lights out, that did not happen. Wanted to go to hospital, hubby said no, your headset is only 110 and it will settle down! Called Dr on Sunday, he said if I felt bad go to hospital, if not wait and call back on Monday. So, we had a dinner party planned, it went well!! Will, cut this short, went to Dr on Friday, he said my monitor said I was in afib for 51 min and it was ugly!! (Tell me about it) So, now on pradaxa and metoprolol. All new!! Anybody have pacemaker and afib that can fill me in a little more!!Very upset by this!!Frustrating, feel like I have no control. Thank you in advance, 



by JuliB1957 - 2017-06-25 17:27:20

I am so sorry you are going through this!  I understand it is scary and very frustrating.  I am right there with you.  I am anxious for my first check since my implant on June 16.  It will be this week and I feel I have had several of what I call "epsiodes" during the last 10 days.  Please know that you are not alone in this and hopefully it will get better!!

No control

by Grateful Heart - 2017-06-25 17:33:04

Trust your instincts and listen to your body. 

The new meds should help.  Glad you're ok Ileen.

Grateful Heart

What triggered it ?

by IAN MC - 2017-06-25 18:24:03

Hi Ileen    If it is your first attack of a-fib it is worth asking yourself if anything you did the night before could have triggered it .

Things like drinking more caffeine than usual ( coffee, tea or energy drinks ) or a little more alcohol than usual may trigger atrial fibrilllation in some people. So can some medical conditions and drugs unrelated to the heart. Even exercise can be a trigger and of course stress can be .

 If you find a cause you can often lessen the severity and reduce the chances of having further attacks.

Best of luck with the new meds


Thank you all

by Ileen - 2017-06-25 18:56:53

I thank you all for your comments!I think the Dr thinks it was stress that caused it!! But, do any of you have afib with a pacemaker? 

A fib

by Loonylil - 2017-06-26 11:47:52

Sorry to hear about your attack... but yes you can have a fib with a pacemaker as I think other members can verify.

i have a pacemaker and am in a fib most of the time, take prescribed blood thinners and beta blockers to slow heart rate.

Ian makes really good points about identifying potential triggers and certainly stress can have really bad effects on the body. 

Best wishes for the future and let us know how you are ❤️


by LORIAAA - 2017-06-29 12:46:37


I have AFIB periodically - but less as time goes on.  There is a StopAfib Forum online that may help you answer your questions.  After my pacemaker surgery I started AFIB.  I had many complications.  I keep a daily calendar of my blood pressure, heart rate, and daily events.  (Someone suggested adding meals - which sounds like a good idea). From the calendar my AFIB happened when I was stressed!  Every time I went to the doctor or had a medical test I went into AFIB.  Extremely interesting!  I take Metroprolol to lower my heart rate.  I am hoping to eventually get off of all meds started after my surgery.  Right now my cardiologist and family doctor are working together to reduce my anxiety.  (I also stopped caffeine, alcohol/wine, & started working out three times a week.)

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