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increased HR while walking

Pacemaker 2.5 weeks. Atrial and ventricular lead. First checkup showed ventricular lead using too much energy. Will
recheck in one month.Question why does my heart rate go up so quickly with walking.Previously with my bradycardia I
had difficulty getting rate up to 80's. Today on treadmill at 2
miles per hour rate went to 106.Asymptomatic. Will be checked next Tuesday. Any thoughts on this.



I am now six weeks out from my PM implant, and although I still am trying to regain my strength and controlling my anxiety problems, I am feeling better. This room has been a godsend for me. Thanks to all of you for your messages and comments. They are a tremendous help to me.



Hot tubs?

Is it ok if I use a hot tub? I've never been in one before. Going to a hotel in a few weeks where there will be one in my room. I have a dual chamber Medtronic PM



getting bi-ventriculat/ ICD Monday any pitfalls or advice. This is #4 pacer for me Ejection fraction remains 20%


anxiety and pacemaker

I ama 67 year old male with a recently installed dual lead Medtronic pacemaker due to bradycarsia and passing out with a beat of 20 per minute.
It's in for a little over a week but I'm getting anxiety symptoms more than I have in the past. They are sweating palms, pounding heartbeats, flushing of the skin, twitching. I've been on xanax for a while and they help but the symptoms are increasing.I also take lopressor for the palpitations. These are all short term and not life threatening but...



Hi folks!

Say, have any of you experienced continued episodes of dizziness after implant? As some of you may remember, I had an implant (my first) 4 weeks ago, but I'm still experiencing daily lightheadedness and bouts of dizziness. It's getting to the point that I'm feeling as if all I want to do is stare at a wall and I must work! My Afib is the culprit, as I continue to feel palpitations throughout the day. Actually, the dizziness comes on most when I turn my head quickly or ma...


Any nurses out there who have a PM?

Hi everyone! Thanks to everyone who has offered me support. Got my pacemaker last Monday and am still trying to adjust to it. My cardiologist says I need to learn to love my pacemaker, but I think at times it is a love/hate relationship!
Anyway, I'm a labor and delivery nurse who will be returning to work in about a month and am wondering if there are any other nurses out there with pacemakers. I would like to know if anyone has had electromagnetic interference from medical equipment su...


pain and achiness behind PM

My PM is implanted in the upper portion of my left breast. Lately I've been having some pain behind the PM, or underneath - basically between the PM and the ribcage.
Implantation was 4 months ago.
I've also had itchiness and burning/tingling at the site, mainly the scar and above (where I can feel the wires).
Anything I should worry about? Or just more "new normal" stuff?


Back again, update for this endless fiasco

HI everyone,
Endless fiasco it is. Sorry to vent the frustration. I noticed the other day the swelling starting to occur in another part of my arm. The pain has gotten so bad I haven't been able to sleep well for several nights now and because of the fatigue I haven't been able to eat well. I told myself enough was enough.

I went to the ER to see if I can get some help. Well, not only did they treat me like I was not a priority, it was the most useless 4 hours of my life. The doc...



Hello. I had a pacemaker 10 weeks ago now and am already feeling the benefits - its amazing! I have just one main problem though....soreness and swelling around the wound/scar. I don't necessarily have to do much at all for it to become lumpy and sore. It is beginning to bug me and i just wondered if anyone else experienced this?
In some respects, it would be nice to be reassured that this may be normal.


breathing heavy

I had my pacemaker put in on may 29, 2007. My heart rate was down to 36 so I really needed it. I feel better b/c I can walk but I do get short of breath and breath heavy....especially going up stairs or a an incline. Yesterday I had a stress test done ..I lasted only 50 seconds on the treadmill so they finished the test another way. I don't know if I have any arteries that are blocked until my cardiologist calls me with the results. But as I was taking the stress test the doctor said that someti...



just going to watch the american fireworks over the lake. they have been amazing the last few years will let you know just how spectacular they were. jessie


Bradycardia and Sleep Apnea

I have recently been diagnosed as a candidate for a pacemaker; Bradycardia is my ailment (more specifically, Sick Sinus Syndrome). My father and older brother both have been diagnosed with sleep apnea. My wife claims I stop breathing during my sleep sometimes and due to her urging I have had a sleep study session (last night) and now I await the results. As with many of you, with heart issues I have educated myself reading a lot of articles and comments from people such as in this forum. One...



Hi all, I had a pacemaker implanted on 7/1/2007 for what my doctor described as severe Bradycardia which came on very quickly (weeks). I was a very healthy 52 year old fitness nut. I am now having a difficult time adjusting as I have some days that I feel great and others that I feel very tired and still have some dizzy spells if I get up quickly etc. I am interested to know other peoples' experiences after implantation.



Give yourself some time.

Just a note to let the newbies know that it takes time. More time than the Doctors will tell you to get to feeling like your old self. My pacemaker was put in at the end of Oct. 2005 for VVS and Bradycardia. I know now that I was sick for at least a year before getting the pacer on an emergency basis. My heart stopped 2 different times for 18 to 20 seconds and was running at 10bpm on the way to the hospital. It took about 6 months time to get the correct settings for me. It has now been a year w...


Happy 4th of July!

Thank you Auntiesamm and Jessie for your holiday wishes. We can indeed celebrate this Independence Day, thanks to our troops keeping us safe from harm, while serving in the Middle east.
A big salute to each and everyone of them. May they remain safe.
Happy 4th of July!
Jessie, enjoy the fireworks over the lake this evening.

~ Dominique ~


crawly sensations?

Hi all..God bless. It's me again...i know...i ask a lot of questions dont i? sorry...but you guys are the only ones that truly know what im going through and how to help. Well i have been having weird creepy crawly sensations all over my body lately and im a little scared. I do have a pacemaker. Im 24. I take florinef, nadolol, depakote for migraines, and also midrin. I know i take a lot of stuff. Anyway, i dont really have itchiness its just that i feel like bugs on me and when i look there is...


Happy 4th of July!

To Everyone in the USA - Happy 4th of July. As you celebrate with family and friends please remember those who helped make this the ""land of the free and the home of the brave". My stars and stripes fly proudly! God bless the USA on this Independence Day.


Pacer affecting vision?

I've recently developed strange synptoms. I see lights in various forms and intensities. There also seems to be a circle of light in front of me. Has anyone experienced problems like this?



hi susan just read where you said you were not feeling well to-day. hope you are feeling better to-night and that by to-morrow you are back to your old self. i hope that you are taking good care of yourself. jessie


You know you're wired when...

You play MP3 files on your pacer.

Member Quotes

I swim, scuba, garden, hike, climb, workout, play with the kids, play tennis, baseball, basket ball and rollerblade with mine with no problem.