Any nurses out there who have a PM?

Hi everyone! Thanks to everyone who has offered me support. Got my pacemaker last Monday and am still trying to adjust to it. My cardiologist says I need to learn to love my pacemaker, but I think at times it is a love/hate relationship!
Anyway, I'm a labor and delivery nurse who will be returning to work in about a month and am wondering if there are any other nurses out there with pacemakers. I would like to know if anyone has had electromagnetic interference from medical equipment such as electrocautery devices or electronic fetal monitors. I spend most of my day in front of fetal monitors and also circulate in the OR during C-sections so I'd like to know what to expect when I return to work.
Hope everyone had a great Independence Day!


nurse but retired

by jessie - 2007-07-05 03:07:42

hi i am a retired nurse. i am 65 and worked in a general hospital on an acute care psychiatric unit. we cared for geriatric. paediatric and anything in between. i can't help you with the equipment part. i am 65 and i retired at 61 after 40 years in the buisness. i enjoyed it and it served me well. we did do electroshocktherapy but of course i didn't have my pacemaker then and knew noone with one other than my father-in-law. so sorry. lenora could ahve helped as she worked in cardiac care but right now she is not well and has not been at this site recently. she tho is planning on returning to work. so hi welcome to the site. jessie

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