Most Recent Messages in Surgery & Recovery

Av Node Soon

Had a  PM on June 9th now probably having a Av Node ablation soon I've dealt with AFIB for over 16 years with 5 ablations and too many cardeoversions to remember. Who has had an AV Node ablation and what can I expect in regards to recovery, exercise and overall thoughts with this procedure ?



I have had my pacemaker for only 2 weeks so this is all new to me. As expected, my shoulder has been a bit sore and stiff but has improved a lot. Since the pacemaker implant I have experienced a little light-headiness and a bit dizzy. Have any other members experienced this? I have been told not to use my tens machine any more, also not to do any electric arc welding, something that I do from time to time. I am flying to Australia in 9 weeks time. What happens at the airport body scanner? Do...


Lifted my PM Arm above shoulder three times by accident, anxious about consequences

Hello All

I had Pacemaker surgery on 8/17/17 and I have been instructed to NOT lift my PM arm above my shoulders AT ALL for Four Weeks.

However, I have accidently done it on 3 seperate occasions (2 stretching and one taking off a shirt)

How concerned should I be about this? I have a doctors appointment on 9/7/17 and I don't want to wait that long to figure out the consequences. Should I go see the doctor sooner? I am not in any pain and my left arm feels great actually (...


Introducing myself and I need tips for anxiety before surgery

Hey guys,

My name is Sera and I'm 27 years old. I'm getting a pm this coming tuesday for sinus arrests, the longest being 4 seconds. I had the option of wearing a loop recorder for 3 years but my EP advised me that I would need a pm eventually as my symptoms would be getting worse.

Before knowing what was wrong, I went through a rollercoaster of going from specialist to specialist and having SO many tests done. It has been emotionally taxing. All of this occured in April o...


Newbie with questions here

Hello all ~~

Friday I met with the EP to go over the "known" results of the holter monitor from last week. I needed it more for the insurance company and not for him to decide that due to the bradycardia and SSS I needed a PM.

So today on my 64th birthday I finally settled down to Dr. Google to research the procedure and products used. The EP Doctor is recommending an MRI 2 lead pacer by Boston. Any thoughts?

I'm going to assume that the procedure is done eithe...


Pacemaker surgery

Hi guys, so my girlfriend's doctor adviced her to have a pacemaker surgery.. But she's too scared to do it.. So if you guys would be ao kind to post or comment on how the surgery will go and what to expect, you know, just to boost her confidence. Tell her how it changes your lives etc etc


Please dont scare her hehe thank you guys


Can I get a shadow fade 36 hours after surgery?

My pacemaker surgery was completed on 8/17/17 11:00pm. I normally get a haircut around this time, would it be safe for me to get a haircut now? I feel so stiff and I would hate if the barber moving my head/spinning the chair cause damage to my pacemaker.


Pacemaker. Af

i thank everybody for there messages I have a pacemaker check in 2 weeks and I will ask some questions so thanks again j


pacemaker pause


I had pacemaker few days ogo and the pulses pauses for one second two to four times every minutes. Can someone tell me if that is normal and what i have to do.  Thank you


New Pacemaker

Got to the hospital and went into surgery. The technician couldn't get a read. The PM battery was dead. So, day two with my new Biotronik Pacemaker. 


Conflicting Instructions

I am a 69 year old male that is 2 weeks post implant. My device is a 3 lead St Jude CRT-P. My first week was a bit rough, with a fever for a few days, SOB, etc, but I'm happy to say that I'm feeling good and anxious to get back to my fairly active life. I had my first checkup yesterday, where they fine tuned the devise settings, but I was told that one of the leads moved. That concerned me, since I have been very careful with my arm. That being said, during the night, it is possible t...


Virgin territory

Hi I just joined and at the moment I have no device fitted as yet. I collapsed on a bus last December and after many tests it was decided that I could make a case for a pacemaker. It was a 50/50 diagnosis not clear cut but I can have one if I want one. I get dizzy and light headed and my heart slows down and I have ectopic beats. I have decided to go for it and my next appointment is in November. I guess as I am new to this am I making the right decision will it be life changing? Any thoughts...



I am one month post surgery for my pacemaker implant today. I do not think I have healed well. I still have a fairly big lump as well as a very unflattering incision. I do not think the stitching was done well.   Any discussion about this with my Medicals has resulted in "give it more time", and "everyone heals differently".  Any hope of these two bothers calming down and laying flat again?  I don't want this to look thi...


Chest pain

Hello every,

I have been 4 weeks out of icd implant due to non compaction cardiomyopathy.

I am now feeling pain in my chest, when sitting and resting my back, walking, talking and sometimes lying down and breathing.

I recently had diarrhea and got dehydrated, being on fluids and antibiotic +my other medication, bisopralol, amlodipine and hydralizine, the chest pain started with the diarrhea but the diarrhea has stopped.

Doctors are not worried about the pain  but...


Interesting specimen

Hello. New to the group and first time posting. I'm 46 and one week out from having a dual PM put in. On July first I became very dizzy and passed out while shopping. I hit my head when I collapsed and ended up with a skull fracture and hematoma. While in the hospital I had a full Neuro and Cardio work up. No cause for passing out was found, but cardiology implanted a loop recorder to try and determine the cause. A week and half after the initial fall I had another epi...


It's Out

After almost 4 years of having my PM last week Wednesday I had it and both leads removed. You can read my past posts but I unknowingly had Primary HyperAldosteronism (Conn's disease) and my left adrenal gland was playing havoc on my body/hormones/heart. Once it was diagnosed and I had it removed everything went back to normal. My EP had determined I no longer needed my PM (he was never convinced I did need it but it was put in after an ER visit with heart rate in the low 30...



Good morning, this is my first time posting. I am a 69 year old male, one week out of having a 3 lead CRT-P implant. I am feeling short of breath at rest, which seems to be getting worst with time. This was one of the symptoms I had prior to the implant. I'm thinking that this may be a side effect of one of the meds I'm on, but would like to know if any others had experienced this. I will be calling this in to my Dr as well, but any feedback will be greatly appreciated. Than...


Left shoulder ache

It's been 8 weeks since my pacemaker surgery.  I've been doing ok, no major issues, however, this past week my left shoulder started to ache off and on.   I never had this ache before.  It's the area about two inches to the left of my neck area.  It aches off and on.  Has anyone experienced this after two months of implantation of device?  


New Pacemaker Beeping

I just had a Medtronic SureScan (tm) Mri Heart Failure Pacemaker with Defibrillation device implanted last Thursday, July 20th.  This morning the device beeped.  What could be causing this?  I called the doctor and am waiting for his nurse to call me back.  Thanks.




I would like to know on a scale from 1 to 10, how pain is it after surgery... I am very afraid of pain... 

My friend said it was 6 out of 10 but i am not sure, she said she took panadol after the surgery but panadol wasn't useful.. doctor prescribed panadol. 

Has anyone requested for doctor to put in higher dose of local anaesthesia during operation so that it wears out slower after operation? also, any solution to reduce pain after operation?


You know you're wired when...

Your heart beats like a teenager in love.

Member Quotes

Today I explained everything to my doctor, he set my lower rate back to 80 and I felt an immediate improvement.