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Breakdown at 130

I recently had a Pacemaker implanted and was told that I would be able to get back to my normal routine of running and biking after a 6 or 8 week break. When I came back and started running, all went well at first (1st month or so). After that I started having trouble running at all. When I got my heart rate to about 100, I'd start getting missed beats (about 1 in 3 was missing). So, obviously I couldn't keep running, so I'd start walking until my heart 'steadied out'. Then I'd repeat and have...


Bone Densitometry

Hello all, just found out today that I need a bone scan. I asked my GP if it was ok to have with my ICD/PM. I was really shocked when she said I dont know if it will affect my device!
Needless to say I was shocked! Anyay this type of procedure is fairly simple, but it does have I think the same qualites as an MRI! Help did anyone have this done with there implant??

Much appreciated, Colleen


told i need a pacemaker - update

Well I got my records today from my cardiologist and had plans to send them to the Cleveland clinic but that was stopped when I saw another doctor who recommended an exceptional EP doctor in my area.

He also told me that he doesn't believe he would recommend anything different since after looking at my records further(for the holter monitor) we found out that I had bouts of 2nd degree "high grade" av block between 2am and 6am...nothing at all showed during the day. Those were the 3 s...


Surgery with a Pacemaker

Hi - My toddler has a pacemaker for CHB. I am pretty sure she is going to need eye surgery to correct her intermitant exotropia. While I am not at all nervous about her having a pacemaker, and I am not concerned about the eye surgery -- the combination of the two is flipping me out. I am extremely upset. Has anyone had a surgery and can you tell me if special precautions are taken b/c you have a pacemaker?



Data Storage

I have a question for those of you who have new models of pacemakers implanted. Does your model store data? In other words, can the doctor download all heartbeats since the last checkup and see any abnormal behavior by your heart? If so, this is an awesome feature that can help determine when problems hit. If not, it is a much needed feature by all PMs.


Hiking and Your PM

My husband and I are hikers, and I wear a Camelbak when hiking (it has an adjustable sternum strap). Any other pm recipients here who are also hikers? Do you wear a pack? Any problems? Mine doesn't really rub my pm area or sit too much on it, but I was just curious what you had to say! I go back at the end of May for another pm check and will ask doc if all is ok to wear it (I'm sure it is). Any feedback you have will be appreciated!

If you want to swap hiking stories or info....



i would like to wish everyone on this site a happy easter or passover and to wish that everyone has a great day to-morrow being with family if possible or just enjoying the day. i was implanted in august of 2006 and have done quite well considering it wasn't diagnosed fro 4 months. it is important to me to be able to wish other pacers a happy holiday. god bless jessie


Looking for pacemaker clinc?

I am looking for a place in Canada (or New England) where I can inquire about getting a pacemaker.

Can anybody help me?

Thanks very much



You cant BEAT this deal....

I cold suggest a good place to get your next pacemaker. They are offering a lifetime warranty with each new pacemaker....



I have been trying to respond for a week or more, and have been unable to get my responses posted. To the person with the reoccurring pericardial effusions-me too! And as for posting being important, I could not agree more-respond nicely, without judgement. Happy Easter-Happy Birthday-Happy posting!



We stand underneath the same winds and skies that our God has given unto the first man. The very waters that man has been given is still here today. The sun that God has commanded to be will not fail to give us it's shining light. The seasons that never fall out of order continue to show us that God's word is still being obeyed. The stars will stand in their places to guide us in the night. What would we do if God's word were not real. How could we control the wind? How could we chang...


DR. never mentioned medication

I am awaiting a pacemaker. While waiting, I read on this site that there are medications, also. My Dr. never even mentioned that there was any at all. Is it common to at least TRY medications before having the surgery for implant of the pacemaker? Should I get another Dr's. opinion first? My Dr. is unavailable for a month, so I can not ask him why he never mentioned medication. Or, is the medication not generally used except for special cases?


[singing] "celebration time; come on" lol.

Great, now I have that song in my head!
Happy 180th Birthday TRISH!! Hehehehe, just kidding.
Well, your birthday starts in 2 and a half hours (midnight).
So, you were an Easter baby! That’s cool. I hope they didn’t mistake you as a chocolate bunny and bite off your ears, lol!
Well, now that you think I’m psycho, I think I’ll stop typing, lol!
I hope you have a wonderful birthday and that you get everything you wished for.

~*~Trish: April 8,...



I made my first post yesterday "TOLD I NEED A PACEMAKER"...

I just wanted to say a big thank you to all that responded. This is an amazing site and I feel better than I did yesterday. I believe that reality of me getting a pacemaker is going to me soon or in the near future but I am still going for other opinions since I believe I have the time to do that.

I have decided to venture to the top rate cardiac hospital in the country..The Cleveland clinic. I will keep you all po...


Vehicle motor interference

I just had a Medtronic Pacemaker "installed" replacing a previous pacemaker that was 12 years old. I find that when I start the car engine and also during the trip, I have an unusual feeling the whole time I am driving. I have never had this before with the other PM (another brand). Does anyone else get this same sensation? It has been adjusted once and seems to be better, but I still feel a slight sensation.
This is my third PM. I have not ever had any kind of problems before.



having pm put in thurs. do they give you medicine for your heart afterwards, not including blood pressure and coumidin


sleep apnea??

Has anyone heard about the relationship between sleep apnea and the relationship to arrhythmias?



thurs havingm y operation any pain involved. should i stay in hospital overnight. when do they check out pm after implant. when a pulse is sent from pm to heart how strong isice it. if a person has a regular heart attack who has a pm and hs heart stops, will this device get it going again.


No heart beat at checking resistance

I have a pacemaker due to a complete AV-block which means that I have no own pulse. So, when the doctors check the pacemaker, I feel every little tiny difference in the pulse.

In the past years, when checking the resistance of the signal to the ventriculum, my heart stopped for a few seconds according to the quick reaction of the doctor - when he/she stopped the function, the signal was back again immediatly and my heart kept on beating.

Last August, I got a new pacemaker (...


having p.m done

is there a difference between a pace maker or a icd. is a st jude and leads the best. after operation do i have to stay on coumadin forever. how long after operation before i can go for a walk and get out. i sleep on my stomach is that alright. i have irregular heartbeat and misses beats will p.m. help. many questions sorry


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