Most Recent Messages

april 3

hello everyone.april 3 my pacer is 4 yrs and going strong.
i had heart block and had a dual pacer put in april 3 -2003.
its my first pacer.
how long does a pacer normally last?


Anyone with depression before pm?

I've suffered from depression most of my life, and have been on antidepressants for many years, but have never had a complete remission. I guess I was hoping that getting a pm would help, since my physical health would improve, and maybe alleviate some of the depression. (I've been sick for nearly 3 years, dx with fibromyalgia, and fatigue that had been increasing in intensity over the past year. So my depression had really been getting worse.)
It's been 3 weeks since getting my pm, Medt...


coincidental need for pacemaker

My wife and I are physical therapists. We have practiced for forty years. In 2005 my wife developed a decreasing heart rate, I brought her to the ER and it was determined that she needed a dual demand PM. A ST Jude was placed and she's doing well. Almost a year latter to the day, I developed shortness of breath and a decreasing heart rate. A medtronic dual chamber demand PM was placed and I'm doing fine. My quandry is how could this coinsidence happen? Could it have something to do with ou...


Working around Electrical Substations & Power Plants

I have a storm restoration function where I work that if their is an emergency due to a bad storm I have to report to an electrical substation, located night next to a power generating plant and coordinate electrical restoration in that area. This means that I work right next to large electric distribution feeders and right under high voltage power lines. I may have to manually operate the station breakers at times. I mentioned this to my EP doctor and he feels it shouldn't be an issue once my P...


~HI~ *wave* i'm new here!

So hi im christina. i am a 26yr old mother of one with one on the way. i have an abdominal implanted pacer as well as an artificial valve. i am due for a battery change and was wondering if any one else has had one done. i dont know what to expect as it is in my abdominal area instead of the usual placement.



Well, next Wed the 4th, is the big day, I finally see a real Cardiologist.........FIVE YEARS has been to long to not see one.

It won;t be in Seattle rite off the back as plan........But a bit ok,

The Interior of Alaska, finally got a Cardiologist from Idaho, and he will be starting to see patients next week....

The most exciting thing is, he's not assicatied, with the Heart Group In Anchorage Alaska..........he's employed thur the group that owes our hospital......


problems posting.

I just wrote up a update and it refused it......I have tried 5 times to submit it


Hello Everyone

Hello! It has been some time since I last posted, I have been trying to adjust to the Sotalol. However, I just got off of it this weekend and all the irregular heart rhythms are back. My doctor said it was not racing like it did before I had my ablation it was just that every other heart beat will double beat. I was wondering if anyone has had this problem before? My doctors nurse had said that it can be taken care of by another ablation but she seemed very uneasy about doing this procedur...


lead broke

Hi I was wondering if anyone could tell me if it is ok to leave a lead dangling inside. My heart defib shocked me 35 times within 18 minutes because my lead broke. Since this happened I have had muscle twitches all over my body and vibrations. I have seen a neuro for this but am wondering if the dangled lead inside could be causing some kind of electrical interference? Also just wondering if the lead should be cut back or not? One other time i had to have a lead cut down and another put in...



Hello my friends,

I'm feeling better each day. My meds. have changed alittle and I'm feeling better. I'm now taking Norvasc 5 mg and it really seem to be working. Just the other day I was telling my kids on how some people go to heaven alittle early because the lord likes to have different people with him. I really felt my life was coming to an end. I prepared my kids to understand if daddy is not on this earth I'm in heaven so be happy and thank the Lord for having another pla...



I just had my PM inserted a week ago. I had Bradycardia with a rate of 30. I have been sick since 2/7/07 when I passed out a work- they did a full code with CPR- had two other episodes since then both with CPR--very very scary-
My question/concern is I have been out of work since the 1st episode,I am anxious to go back(I am a nurse at a very busy Physician practice,also assist with Breast Biopsy)
I am still tired,although not nearly as overwhelming as before
I have a stin...


thank you

Yesterday I posted my first message after recieving a Medtronic pm, dual chamber, last week. I've some problems and lots of anxiety and fears and it was so nice to hear from people who deal with the same issues and who have been there. This site and those who use it have been a blessing to me, my wife and family. I hope to return the favor.



Blood Pressure

I've been hold a BP at 150/115 and I've been feeling very bad or the weekend. I finally got so mad and called the doctors office and told them to have him call me. I requested that he put me on something else for my high blood pressure. He called in a some Norvasc 5 mg. It's the safest blood pressure med you can take, He said. Is there anyone else taking this med and are you feeling better? I hope everyone is doing great and keep up the faith. I have to get better by June to take my cl...


new pm

I'm a male, 47 who was training for my 1st marathon when I had to have a pacemaker put in last Monday. It's been a week and I'm not feeling all that great or wonderful. Everyone told me that I would feel great right away. I am getting better a little at a time but I feel like I have a rock in my chest. My voice has also changed, I have a cough and it hurts to bend over. I also feel the pm kicking at times. I don't want to complain much because I'm grateful for the chance to be healthy. I...


spam filter words

What are some of the spam filter words you had to write in the spam box before you posted? Not random ones, but ones that can form some sort of a word. So far, I had:
Some people mentioned they had to write:

hahahaha, this is fun :) or do I need to get out more? lol!
take care,


Officially Coming Out of Hibernation

Tomorrow's the day I get my new pacemaker. Sorry I haven't been in touch with any of you but I have not been doing well. Since March 8 I've been in battery-saving mode with intermittent afib and now, mild congestive failure. But all is not doom and gloom. Spring is officially here and today I found the most beautiful red amaryllis blooming on my front porch, a present from my 84 year old mother! She is also going to dog sit Abbey while I'm in the hospital because Abbey is recovering from a v...



Hi im new to this site. Ive just been told by my doctor that they want me to have a pace maker fitted. Im 20 years old and the thought of having a pace maker petrifies me. Has any body got any advice or experiences they could share with me? If so i would really appreciate it!!


What Qualifies for Surgery Rescheduling?


I am scheduled for a first-time pacemaker implant this Thursday (dual-chamber, rate response Medtronic). I am desperate to get this procedure done as I have been unable to function normally for about a year now (I'm 34 years old male, married with an 8 year old son). My current desperation stems from the fact that a week ago I caught some kind of respiratory virus. I saw my GP last Thursday & she said my lungs sounded clear (at the time) but still put me on some meds which I ha...


~!~!~hApPy B-dAy~!~!~

Yes, that's right, another pacer birthday!
Happy Birthday!

Heckboy: March 26, 1962

which means you are 20 minus 10 times 4 divided by 4 plus 80 minus 35 minus 10 years old :)
Did you know you share this birth date (not year) with singer Diana Ross and actor Martin Short? That's some useful information right there. Savor it. hehe
Take care,



Why does it take three times to log-in on this site. I had my passcode remembered and it will not let me log in. Good thing I wrote down the new passcode, but I have to hunt for it before I can log in. Anyone else having this problem? Judy


You know you're wired when...

Airport security welcomes you.

Member Quotes

I can bike a 40-50 tour with no trouble.