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Where are the comments?

I don't see replies (although it says there are 4) to My Active Topic question. What gives???


Store Security

I walked into a store that I frequent the other day and set off alarms as I walked in and again on the way out. Now the store has had this type of security for some time and it hasn't been an issue before. So... I walked in again, alarms - and out again and... alarms! Out of curiosity, I spoke to one of the store managers and he told me that they had installed new security pylons and would check with the security company that did the install to make sure that the settings were not harmful a...



Hi there everyone... I was just wondering if anyone has ever felt there PM kick in (so to speak lol) I was busy all day and the first time I sat down today I felt my PM start beating.I have never felt it before and it felt slow to pick up to me.My heart rate was 40 for almost 2 min.(the PM is set for 50) but I felt light headed for a few sec. and then it was hard to get my breath and I could feel every beat (felt hard) from my head to toes. My heart picked back up by itself after a few mins but...


I posted a comment

I posted a comment on "Active Topic" message and the number of comments went from 3 to 4 ---but my comment didn't show up. Other people private messaged me and said the same thing was happening to them on that topic. (I originally posted that topic).
It's no big deal and maybe it's working now.




I need wonderwoman to tell me what my comments are saying. She the only one who can see invisible things, like her invisible Please help!




Hello -- I'm looking into the "invisible comments" right now.



Well, I've tested posting comments from a number of different computers, operating systems, and so forth. They are going up without any difficulty. It seems that there is a bug in the code somewhere that is inaccurately representing the number of comments. I'm going to spend some time this evening and track that particular bug down and stamp on it. Firmly.


No Comments Visible


I to am unable to read any comments. When cilicking on anyone's message it will show the number of comments but nothing else.




What has happened to the comments? I can't find them to read. There must be trouble on this web site. Judy



Hello to all and I hope your pacemakers are doing their job. I have a Kappa 700DR and I've never had a problem with this model. I know that your putting this information about lawsuit and defective pacemakers to inform others and I'm sure it's for a good cause, but you have to keep in mind that there are a lot of young pacers that just received their pacemakers. Many of them are pretty upset by the fact of having a pacemaker implanted. Their anxiety level must be really high and they probab...


Stomach Sleeping

OK. I've seen some posts back in the day about trouble sleeping and positions you sleep in with your pm. Pre-pm I always was a side sleeper (on my right side). Since having my pm implanted, I sleep SO differently! Differently meaning good and bad and just plain different than before. I'm all over the place! At times one position is comfortable then the next minute it's not.

Anyways...I want to sleep on my stomach from time to time (I used to do this pre-pm) but avoid doing so...


Active topics??

How do we find out if there are new replies to topics from recent postings? Most forums have an "active topics" list. Am I missing something here? ( it wouldn't be the first time). LOL


Re: Frequency of Pacing (Latgre's post)

Hi there,

I, too, have a pacemaker fitted for VVS! It's been about 5 and a bit months now and it's still settling in to its new home... The first month or so, the RDR feature was going off all the time - even after I sneezed!

At my last PM check, I had a fabulous technician who went through all the readouts with me. Apparently, mine is (on average) doing the work for my heart for 35 mins a day... Now I know this isn't much at all - compared to other people here who are 100...


Would higher heart rate than 60 make me feel less tired?

I received a pm/defibulator transplant recently. Heart rate was too slow. They set the rate at 60 per minute. Is that normal? I still feel very tired. Do they at times set the rate higher than 60? Would a higher heart rate than 60bpm make me feel less tired?



Hi there everyone... I was just wondering if anyone has ever felt there PM kick in (so to speak lol) I was busy all day and the first time I sat down today I felt my PM start beating.I have never felt it before and it felt slow to pick up to me.My heart rate was 40 for almost 2 min.(the PM is set for 50) but I felt light headed for a few sec. and then it was hard to get my breath and I could feel every beat (felt hard) from my head to toes. My heart picked back up by itself after a few mins but...



Hello folks!...

I am star...couldn't get in so had to re-register.

I saw my EP today...and the only question is whether to extract my 14 year old at343 lead...It's a single lead that set for demand.

However today the EP said again it was risky and gave me the 1 in hundred or two hundred of potential problems with lead extraction. And that a cardiac surgeon had to be present to crack open should there be any bleeding...

His advise was to leave it in an...


Neck pain/ Stinging

I am 24yrs old female that just had a medtronic single lead pacemaker implanted feb. 1st. I had to have it due problems with my SA node! I have been feeling much better since the pacemaker...less tired..easy to breathe...less chest pain. But have been having stinging in chest around left breast under pacemaker. Also extreme pain in my neck...actually my carotid artery area...feels like someone hitting me there! It comes and goes and sometimes last maybe 10 mins to 1hr. Sometimes i ge...


in the muscle

I recieved a pm a month ago and have had nothing but discomfort. Doc. informed me yesterday that he feels that I do not have enough tissue, fat (45 yrs old and weigh 125lbs.) to protect the pm, hence the discomfort and sensitivity. He suggested putting the device under the muscle. Since I am only 5 weeks post op I am thinking that maybe the healing has not been completed and I should give it more time. Anyone else have similial experience. AMYMARLA


p.m type

lenora, you said you just got a st jude5386 model. did you specifically ask for it . im getting a p.m. soon and want to know if st jude, medtronic or guidant is best. i know there are lawsuits against medtronic and guidant. can anyone out there give me any advice. i also want to know how it feels when the pulse goes to the heart. do you always feel it. does it wake you up at night when you are sleeping..thanks for the help


Frequency of Pacing

Just curious, I have had my PM since Feb 5 th, and I had my six weeks check with the medtronic representative and I was told I had more than 250 episodes where my pacemaker kicked in and my heart dropped by more than 20 beats within a sixty second period, To me that seems like an awful lot of droppes in heart beat.

I feel like my heart is beating so fast that I can feel it now. I never noticed before.

Does anyone have syncope, which is what the pacemeker is for?


You know you're wired when...

You run like the bionic woman.

Member Quotes

In fact after the final "tweaks" of my pacemaker programming at the one year check up it is working so well that I forget I have it.