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Bastille Day.

Hello Everyone.

Today in France, is Bastille day, our version of the 4th of July. Here is a little bit of history.

Bastille Day is the French national holiday, celebrated on 14 July each year. In France, it is called "Fête Nationale" ("National Holiday"), in official parlance, or more commonly "quatorze juillet" ("14th of July"). It commemorates the 1790 Fête de la Fédération, held on the first anniversary of the storming of the Bastille on 14 July 1789; the storming of th...


Thankful for PM Club


I can't t tell you how much this pm club has helped me. I am still resting quiet a bit and I am finding that I look forward to getting on and reading everyones story. My laptop has been my best friend since my heart surgery in Nov. and the the pm in June. I have not been able to get out unless I have more tests to go to or Dr. appt. I feel like I just found a lot of friends! One's that understand and their experiences have help me to know some of my feelings are normal. Thank...


starting to feel better after 6 weeks.

I'm staring to feel better after getting my PM 6 weeks ago.When I felt like I was short of breath and had difficulty climbing stairs my cardiologist had me do a nuclear stress test. I lasted 50 seconds on the treadmill. The stress showed that there might be a "mild" blockage so the cardiologist wants me to do a catheterization. It is scheduled for the 17th of July (next tuesday). Afew days ago I played golf and felt pretty good.
I was able to take a 2 mile walk today and walked up the stair...



Hi, I have just received news that I have breast cancer, I am totaly dependent on my pacemaker and because of the heart problems the doctor said this is not the type of cancer that spreads, but I am wondering, if the time comes if I can have radiation, they cannot put me on Tamoxifen because of the heart and on cumandin



Hi! I'm twenty years old and am having problems with my pacer. It is a dual chamber, but not a defibrillator. I had the pacemaker implanted in January of 2006. After a lot of pain, I had it relocated to be deeper under the muscle in November of 2007. I was doing okay for a while, but now it's coming back, worse than ever. I have an awful pain on the left side of my chest above my breast where the cite is. The pain also goes right below my underarm on my left side. The pain has recently been radi...



Wrong years, I apologize. It was first implanted January of 2006 and then relocated in November of 2006 as well.



Someone mentioned playing football 3 times a week. Is that full contact tackle? My son is considering playing high school football. Has anyone else done that - any problems?


~ *I*R*I*S*H* *P*A*C*E*R*S* ~


Just wondering whether any Irish Pacers would be interested in getting together for a drink, meal and good chat or just general support. We have a pacer in Dalkey (Hi Rob!) who knows a good venue, but I'm sure this can be discussed futher. Please let me know if anyone is interested, there's 3 of us so far (from Dalkey, Donegal and Galway) but there must be more of you out there ........... drop me a line with any thoughts, thanks and look forward to hearing from you ......


Will I always be thinking about my pc?

Hi, I'm 49 and got my pc on June 28th. I am not so aware of it at home but am leary about going out. When i have gone out I feel the need to put my hand over my pc as I feel it 10 times more. I feel the weight,skin tight and slight pains. Is this normal? I haven't been back for my 1st pc check yet so I feel stupid asking them these things as I'm sure they think it's all in my head. Probably right about some of it. How long before you guys started driving? I have MVP,CHF, restrictive cardiomathy...


aware of pacing most of the time

Just wanted to know if anyone else is very aware of their pacemaker. Mine feels like it is going to jump out of my chest sometimes and I feel it most of the time. I have had an AV node ablation and the tech said I was in A-Fib all the time now.Had it implanted in August-2006. My voltage is set at 3.50. My doctor says that I am just super sensitive.


Short of breath....

It's been almost 5 weeks since my pacemaker was implanted and I am getting short of breath. I already have CFS and was short of breath then, but, this time it's worse. If I'm up for maybe 3 or 4 minutes then I get pressure in my head and feel light-headed and short of breath until I can sit down.

It doesn't happen all of the time. Maybe 3/4 of the time.

I am wondering if it could be my nerves? I'm taking Clonazepam 0.5 mg tablet 2x daily for anxiety. I understand that this...


Okay to drive a motorcycle with ICD?

I've been considering getting an ICD because of my cardiomyopathy and as I was reading posts in this group about all the false positives -- shocks -- people were getting it made my wonder what the heck would happen if I were driving my motorcycle and the PM decides to zap me?

If I get an ICD will I have to give up motorcycles?




My new ICD

Hi there. I have now got a new badge of honour. Yes, my Medtronic ICD was implanted successfully on July 4th 2007. I am grateful to be privileged enough to have such a device, considering the need in this world, just for food for most.

I knew it was an expensive item, but the cost of Australian $55,000, just for the device no doctors or hospital bills included, nearly gave me a heart attack!!! LOL. Really I only found out the cost after it was in. Thank the Lord I have paid for the to...


hevtalbot ella-girl and angela

hi happy birthday, it is a nice time to celebrate in july. so many outdoorsy things to do. i hope that you three who share this july 13 th birthday really enjoy the day and have many more to come. think we are here to celebrate because of some man who invented this device. so happy birthday again jessie


Hello Everyone....Here's My Story

Hello Everyone,

Let me tell you all about myself.

I am 40 years old, weigh 211(down from 245 last year), and have had CFS for the last 8 years. During this time I had the swollen lymph nodes, pressure in head, vertigo, forgetfulness, trouble finding the right word, unrelenting fatigue, palpatations, low blood pressure, and low temperature.

My primary care physician never, and I mean never, requested any tests for me other than the complete blood count, thyroid, a...


another problem

well the year 65 seems to be the year that everything falls apart. to-day i found out i have glaucoma in both eyes so will take drops. i also now have copd but take spiriva and this helps immensely. i also have i forget the name of it but you can't eat seeds or corn lol so i also have cataracts and in november the doctor whom i saw to-day will operate. last but not least i have a pacemaker. the worst of it is you are always running to doctors and i hate doctors lol lol so here i am going to one...


Cellphones, radios

Had a CRT-D installed one month ago. Before the procedure I asked the doctor to try my two way ham radio to see it it interfered. It did not; however I don't know how close to the device the radio was when he transmitted with it. I will ask next appointment.

The radio transmits on 144 Mc with an output of 5 watts.

Cell phones are typically 300 milliwatts so the (my) radio has 15 times as much RF output. And cell phones are on 800 Mc or in the GHz range, for whatever differe...


Pacemaker extraction

I got my pacemaker in August 2006, the doctors had misdiagnosed my condition. Today after nearly 10.5 months. The pacemaker and leads were extracted. The doctor was amazing. Though, are there any side effects or complications that I should be aware of


Working @ 68%

When I had my PM checked for the first time the technician said that it was working @ 68%. Can anyone explain what this means?


? over sensitive

Hi all, I will try to keep my posting as small as possible as I vent my concerns and appeal for help.
I have had an attack of ill feeling (skipped beats) in my chest and was concerned enough to go to the hospital as they became more frequent and repeatative over a 48 hour period. I could feel an irregular pulse and became concerned. I am only pacing 5 or 6% of the time, having the pacer inserted 6 months ago. The hospital took bloods after assessing my vitals. All looked good except fo...


You know you're wired when...

Your kids call you Cyborg.

Member Quotes

I wasn't really self-conscious about it. I didn't even know I had one until around six or seven years old. I just thought I had a rock in my side.