Will I always be thinking about my pc?

Hi, I'm 49 and got my pc on June 28th. I am not so aware of it at home but am leary about going out. When i have gone out I feel the need to put my hand over my pc as I feel it 10 times more. I feel the weight,skin tight and slight pains. Is this normal? I haven't been back for my 1st pc check yet so I feel stupid asking them these things as I'm sure they think it's all in my head. Probably right about some of it. How long before you guys started driving? I have MVP,CHF, restrictive cardiomathy and sick sinus syndrome. The SSS being the resume for the pc. I had my 3/4 of pericardial sac removed 7 months ago and then had to be on oxygen to lay down and then became 24hrs a day. Good news 2 weeks after pc and I am off the oxygen. Great News! At this point I will take any. Sorry to go on so long!
Kids married and gone and wonderful husband works at least 14 hours 6 days a week. I quess I needed to vent to someone other than a relative or Dr. I am very glad I heard about PC Club1
God bless you all,


Hi Cotton top

by rosep - 2007-07-13 01:07:06

I am also 49,kids left home, lovely supportive hubby, and have had my pm since March this year. You describe totally how I felt when going out for the first few weeks afterwards -I semed to go everywhere with my hand protecting my chest just in case anyone bumped into me ! Now I don't even think about it most of the time although I still have some tenderness and pulling around the site, depending on how active I have been. My chest is the one place I don't carry any body fat (typical) so I am conscious of my pc as there is only skin and nerves to cover it- however I have never had anything other than mild discomfort - that I can live with as I feelso much better in every way since having the pm fitted - second degree heart block.
I went back to driving after about 2 weeks - I found that snall range, sharp movements caused more discomfort than bigger ones. Be patient re. reaching over your head - my pm site still tells me when I've reached too far, fortunately I haven't disturbed my wires.
Hope all goes well for you - it is good to talk to someone else who knows exactly how it feels! Rosep

Thinking about it.....No, not always

by johng - 2007-07-13 01:07:59

Cotton top,
Welcome to the Pacemaker Club.
The quick answer is, no, not always.
Remember to give yourself time to heal, and recover mentally from the experiences you have had.
As each day passes you will become more comfortable with you PM.
It won't happen overnight !!
Your general health and doctor's advice will let you know when to start driving, the PM. will not be the deciding factor.
If the only worry was the PM., you could drive as soon as you FEEL able.
Talking to people here really helped me to adjust to life after My PM. fitting.
I hope you get the same comfort.
Best wishes,

Thanks so much!

by cottontop - 2007-07-13 09:07:04

Hello, I really appreciate you both taking the time to comment. I will really take it to heart! No pun intended! I really relate Rosep as I to carry no body fat on up body so it really protrudes out. If only I could take some of that body fat from the hips! Ha! Ha! So great to communicate with people that feel the way I do and understand. Wish all the best to both of you.


by rosep - 2007-07-14 10:07:38

Let us know how you get over the next few months Cottontop. Rosep

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