Most Recent Messages

MRI & PM? No, here's why not

MRI is currently contraindicated in patients with pacemakers and ICDs due to a variety of safety concerns related to potential adverse effects on the device from the strong magnetic and radiofrequency forces generated during the scan. These include the possibility of erratic and inappropriate device functioning during (or after) the scan, over-sensing that can cause high rate pacing or thermal damage to the device, and induced voltages on leads that can cause over- and under-sensing. Moreover, c...



Posted by ChristMMPace on 2007-01-29 15:35

Six years ago I remember being at work with a Holter Monitor strapped to my waist and the guys telling me I looked like a science project. We laughed and carried on about it all day long. The next day I return the monitor back to the Doctor's office and resumed life as normal. A few days later I was at work and over the radio I heard of an airplane that struck the World Trade Center. Everyone paused for a f...


new to the club

thanks everyone,
your comments made me feel normal...I guess a little worried goes with the territory. Hoping this procedure helps..fainting is not a lot of fun as some of you know and maybe this pm will give me my life back. Once again you are terrific to share your experiences.


MRI didn't hurt me

I needed an MRI for my lower back -- a lumbar scan -- and got it. You need to be persistent, you need to know your facts, and you may need to be prepared to feel some pulse changes without freaking out. But it can be done.

I managed to do all three. The pacemaker was undamaged, according to pre- and post-MRI pacemaker diagnostics. I am not recommending this procedure, just saying I had one and suffered no ill effects. I'll get to that in a couple of paragraphs, but some background fi...


PVC's Info Needed Please

Hi All.
It's been a long time since I've posted but have been reading with interest. I had a dual chamber Medtronic P.M. implanted in 2004 to help me cope with SSS caused by medications for A-Fib. Although recovery was slow all has gone well until the last 2 or 3 months. I have been experiencing a feeling that I am going to pass out along with what the Pacemaker Clinic is calling PVC's. My cardio. prescribed Warfarin and has gone on holidays for a month. (which by the way he has every righ...



I'm curious if anyone could help me understand something. I recently put up a post "Told I need a pacemaker" and I am scheduled to see an EP specialist on Tuesday 17th. I was told on the 4th of april that I need a pacemaker.

Since then I have completely stopped any physical activity, of which i used to do at least 5 days a week. Since then I have not felt any dropped heart beats, feel much more rested after a nights sleep and just feel overall mentally better.

My confusion...



Thanks for fixing the problem!! I can now read the comments again~ thanks for all you do!!


chest pain/short breath after pacemaker

I am 60 yr old female with dual lead pacemaker implanted Feb. 20, 2007. During surgery I felt pain, (same pain I experienced with cardiolite test). I spoke up, they said it was just them testing the pacemaker and NO, I would not feel that again - BUT I do - It is the same pain I feel when they test it. I feel it and it causes me to stop walking (rest) only after walking accross a parking lot, next door to the neighbors, or even the vibrations when riding in the car. It will stop when I stop...



Hello everyone!

Atlantic Care offers free information for people who are in need of cardiac support. These seminars are held every month at the Life Center on 2500 English Creek Road, Egg Harbor Township NJ, 08234. For more information on up coming events and seminars please call 1-888-569-1000. Please come join us on April 26, 2007. Dr. Memara will be speaking on matters of the heart. I will be attending this Seminar so you'll get to meet me as well.:0)


infection vs. rejection

Hi. I am a visiting nurse. My patient, who became my friend, who became like my family, is back in the hospital to have her pacer replaced, again. Her first pacer lasted about 3 years and she went in to have it replaced last week and after 5 days it was not capturing and she needed to go back to the hospital. They opened her up and replaced it and found that either she has an infection from the leads or she is rejecting them. Has anyone else ever experienced this?


What to do?

I am 33 yrs. old and I got my pacemaker put in May 2006. Right after the sugery I felt chest pain and was told that I had an effusion. This went on for 6 weeks...they did an echo weekly and told me it would go away. I was very unfortable but hung in there thinking it would pass. Well it didn't, in July I had tampenade and almost died. They redid a wire that was loose and had to make a pericardial window in my heart tissue to drain the fluid, 16 oz.

I am writing this post because...


atrial fibulatiom

does anyone know the answer to this question i have an irregular heartbeat and it skips. my doctor said i have atrial fibulation and need a pacemaker. will a pm make my irregular heartbeat beat regular. my doctor is going to set it at 50, does that mean it will not go on until my heartbeat is 50 if i have the pm put in and my heartbeat is still irregular and skipping beats what do they do. do they give you medicine for that.


Fun in Vegas

I went for my 6 month pacer check up a week ago. The Doc was happy that I had no dizzynes or passouts for the last 6 months. I Have Vasovagal Syncope. So I asked him if I could ride a roller coaster while vacationing in Las Vegas. He said OK as long as the belting system did not hit the pacer. So although a bit apprehensive I tried the coaster at New York New York. It has a full loop and a barrel roll that turns you upside down. Well all went very well it was great fun and I had no problems. It...


Carotid sinus hypersensitivity

My medical diagnosis is carotid sinus hypersensitivity. I'm due for a 3 month checkup next week and am compiling a list of questions for my cardiologist who is an EP. Still not clear on my diagnosis and wondering if anyone has information. My main symptom was a syncope. Any thoughts or comments that might help me focus my questions will be appreciated. Thanks. Bob


FDA Safety Approval.

Hello Everyone.

For those of you interested in how the voting patterns of FDA advisory committee members on medical devices and drugs is conducted, please visit:

I think you'll find the reading outrageously fascinating.
~ Dominique ~


Because you asked.........

Hello everyone.

Having a Medtronic pacemaker myself, I became concerned, reading posts involving Medtronic recalls. I did a little research, and came up with this information.
The Sigma Series is the latest in a line of defective Medtronic medical devices; They include:

AT500 pacing system ( mine )
Kappa 600/700 Dual chamber ( D, DR, VDD.)
Thera Implantable Pulse Generators models 7940/41/42/50-- 8940/41/42/48.
Marquis DR model 7274 ICDs
Maximo DR m...


I can't see comments either!!

I too am having a problem reading the comments on the posts. Is there some difficulty with the site? Are others also experiencing this? Thanks for any help!



i meant in the event of failure of the pacemaker do you have time to go to a hospital. i believe i understood in the past you do jessie


I agree

I also can't see any comments behind posts. This started yesterday sometime~ has something changed????



Fishing has been a lifelong hobby and of course running a boat motor along with it. Now I will soon have an ICD implanted and wonder if I will be able to run the tiller boat motor or will I have to buy a boat with a steering wheel, in order to put some distance between me and the alternator on the boat motor.
Any other fishermen out there with experience?


You know you're wired when...

Lifetime warranty no longer gives peace of mind.

Member Quotes

I just want to share about the quality of life after my pacemaker, and hopefully increase awareness that lifestyles do not have to be drastically modified just because we are pacemaker recipients.