Most Recent Messages

Another ER Visit!

Still wasn't feeling up to speed and started having trouble breathing again today went into the ER and just got out about an hour ago. So they figured out the problem. My pm was causing me to go into tachycardia and my body just couldn't handle it. So the dizzy feeling, and the loss of feeling in my left hand had spread into my feet. Now it is set correctly and hopefully will function well. Every doctor told me I was crazy along with my parents. They tried to tell me it was in my head and when t...


Hey gang

Hi everybody,
I just had an ICD implanted for the first time last week. I heard about this site and thought it would be nice to be in touch with folks with similar experiences. So far my chest is a little achey from getting a piece of technology lodged in it but apart from that I'm feeling good and looking forward to worrying a little less about my rebellious heart giving me trouble at inoportune times. I just wanted to say hi to everybody. So.."Hi!"




Hello Everyone, I was recently diagnosed with third degree heart block. I am 50 years old and never had any symptoms and felt great! The only way I found out about my condition was by working out at the gym. I always wondered why my heart rate would never get up there when I was on the treadmill. So I decided to go get it checked out. Seems I have a bad AV node.I was implanted with a medtronic dual lead PM of Feb. of this year. Just in time for Valentines Day.The first surgery was not so good....


VT, ARVD faulty lead?

I am 56 years old and have been having episodes of VT over a number of years and 7 years ago I had an ICD implanted and prescribed Sotolol. I have tried Nebivolol and Flecanide but find Sotolol suits me best, however any more than 120 mg per day gives me a headaches and sleepless nights. I was diagnosed as having ARVC (ARVD in USA). Over the past 2.5 years the incidents of VT have increased considerably and I have had quite a number of shocks. In October 2005 I had ablation and was f...


Symptom Question-Am I crazy?

Like some of you this is all new to me also. I would like to know if anyone else deals with the same issues. The past two years they thought I was having seizures because of an abnormal EEG and I could not wake up in the mornings. After a 7 day sleep deprived EEG they found that my heart rate and blood pressure drops to low and explained that the communication between my brain and my heart doesn't work at times. The EP Doctor said I need a pace maker. I failed the Echo Stress Test but the Heart...


Sympton Question-Am I crazy?

Like some of you this is all new to me also. I would like to know if anyone else deals with the same issues. The past two years they thought I was having seizures because of an abnormal EEG and I could not wake up in the mornings. After a 7 day sleep deprived EEG they found that my heart rate and blood pressure drops to low and explained that the communication between my brain and my heart doesn't work at times. The EP Doctor said I need a pace maker. I failed the Echo Stress Test but the H...


no marathon

Hello all,
It's going on 4 weeks since I got my pm. It was a rocky start but I have been doing better daily, for the most part. I still don't feel 100% yet. I'm writing today because today was the marathon I was hoping to run. I had trained and lost 50 lbs but due to bradychardia I was given the pm and my first marathon went out the window. I went out to cheer on my friend and training partner. I was so sad at first but when he ran by I jumped out and ran with him to talk to him. He...


Has anyone heard from Electric Frank?

I was just wondering if anyone has heard from Electric Frank
lately? .He used to have some very good answers to some of our postings.
Hope he is OK!


Chatting now

Chatting now until 4 pm EST .
see below posting



I haven't had a chance to get on lately. I spent Fri night Sat morning in the ER with more pain. My pacemaker is doing fine my heart rate was tachy and my blood pressure decided to go high and then went down. I was severly dehydrated and my potassium level was at 3 which is low. I had the sharpest chest pain that I had expereienced since getting the pacemaker. They gave me a lot of drugs to help with all the pain. The ER doctor said that it could be atleast another month before I have complete f...


Chat April 15th(or now)

Hey folks~
It is currently Sunday, April 15th, 2:16pm EST (New York time). I will be on line for the next 1.5 hours. I will go back and forth to try to catch someone in the chat room. Surferman - you're objective is the same? Let's give it a go! Anyone, guest or members can join us - just go to chat and press send message to indicate you are there. Nobody bites! :-)
I for one have been trying to get one on one conversation going. Messages are a great way to transfer information,...


Does fencing interfere with pacemaker?


I am 28 years old and have a pacemaker since 1992. Since I've always been interested in picking up and trying the sport of fencing, I was wondering if that would interfere with my pacemaker?
I thought I heard something a long time ago about that, that it would. I am trying to find out for sure now so that I know.

Does anybody know for sure?

Thanks for any info.



I'm writing this posting to everyone. I thank you all for being in my life. I know I'm not perfect, but my Lord is. I hope that when you guys read something that I write and you don't agree with it, you'll understand I'm not doing things to hurt anyone. I really enjoy all that I read and continue reading here on this wonderful web site. You've all have been a part of my life for some time and I hope we can continue to help one another get through this stumbling block. Thank you for bein...


Recalls on faulty St Jude ICDs

There used to be information in this forum about recalls on faulty pacemakers & ICDs. I don't see anything about that now. How would I find this information. Thank you. Marcia



Have been skydiving for over 40 years, but have not jumped since my pm installation last November. The harness rides directly over my pm "bulge".& I am afraid that damage or displacement of my pm could occur as I recieve my opening shock at terminal velocity. There is extreme deceleration as I am slammed into the seat of my harness. My doctor says I'm good to go medically & psychologically, but physical abuse to my pm by my harness is up tp me to find a way around. Has anyone out there found a v...



It is currently Saturday, April 14th, 2:42pm, EST , or New York/East Coast time. Trying to get folks into the chat room. If interested, go there and hang-out for a bit. Okay? I for one would really like to have some one on one contact with my friends here!! See you there!
$6Mman a.k.a. Adam :-)


vehicle motor interference

I just wanted to let you all know that we have found the culprit causing the sensation from my Medtronic PM. It is so simple, I should have thought of this first. It turns out that the sensation was caused by the seat belt crossing over my PM. The Medtonic PM is so much more sensitive that the ones I have before. Just the least little touch or tap causes a vibration of sorts. With the seat belt crossing over it, there was a constant interference the whole time I was driving. I am so glad t...


confusedi wan

i want to thank everyone for answering my questions. i would like to know what you would do in the following situation. i have always had a high heart rate because i jog and play alot of tennis. it was usually 70 to 90 beats. three years ago i did too much and hadarrythmia and my heart was going too fast and went to the doctor . he put me on digoxin the cardiologist gave me alot of tests which i passed and put me on 25.mgs of toprol eve rything was fine for 3 years. the digoxin slowed m...


new to the club

Hi everyone,
I do not have a pacemaker yet, I am schedualed for the implant in 10 days and feeling a litttle anxious.Can anyone give me their imput


transseptal ablation??

does anyone have any experience with this procedure?? i have been through alot, but i am jumpy about this one...thanks,mom123


You know you're wired when...

Born to be Wired is your theme song.

Member Quotes

Try to concentrate on how you’re able to be active again and feel normal, rather than on having a machine stuck in your body.