Most Recent Messages

Dental Root Canal Work

Two days ago my Dentist wanted to start Root Canal work on one of my teeth.
However, he postponed it because of a piece of dental equipment that almost all dentist now use for root canal work, and he was unsure if this equipment would be a problem with my St Jude Pacemaker.
The equipment in question is known a a "MORITA APICAL LOCATER"
This above-mentioned dental equipment, replaces the old system of the dentist having to use a small hand file to clean out the tooth canal befor...


Lenora, are you out there?

Hi Lenora, I have been reading Elisa and Surferman's comments about BP readings, meds, etc. and they have a lot of questions. Reading their postings I realize that these are great questions we can all learn from. Could you possibly address this for all of us? We need our resident RN to help out. I haven't been on for over a week and am so glad to be back! Thank you and as always God bless and keep you.


lead wire extraction-YIKES

Hi all I'm 47 had a pacer since 19 many lead changes ( excess hardware) had a percutaneous laed extraction 5years ago - did not care for it at all LOL- Now my battery is done and no room at the inn I need another extraction they shot for 6 last time got 3 one broke in half took myself off coumadin after 2 years not a good drug unless you eat the same food everyday - I'm not the best eater- I have numerous abandoned leads some are since I was 19- screw ins you name it it's probably in there - I a...


Losing weight

Hi, my son is 20 years old has had a pace/difib. since 14 years old. He is now in the best shape of his life. He was not over weight - but had a football player built. You really could not see the pace/difib. before. Now that he has lost weight you really see the square spot. Do other people have it that visible?
Do you cover it? What about in the summer and swimming He is always wearing a tshirt.
Also, when you have the battery changed - do they make the incision on the same li...


Shocking experience!

I turned my head and received a quite jolt at work, it ran from my neck to my chest and down my arm. It felt like I had been shocked but it might have just been nerve endings. It really was rather uncomfortable. I had this happen to me several times with my old pm but this is the first time since I got my new one in January 06. Anyone else ever have this happen?


Having a good time..

Hey everyone i am so glad that i have found this site! its great. Well i know that this question may be something that alot of people look down upon but has anyone had any complications with their pacer because of drinking? Im 22 years old and like to go out and have a good time. I am just afraid that something could happen. So if some of you have had experience with drinking with your pm and could tell me about it that would be great! thanks



Hey all, Im leah im 22 years old and had a pacemaker put in last month. Now a month after i am having some throbbing kinda around my pacemaker. I was just curious if anyone has ever encountered this or if im just experiencing something different. I call my nurse all the time and now i thought i might just ask you all.


Looking for others with same experience

Hello! I am a 39 year old woman who just got a pacemaker
on Tuesday. The whole thing is just crazy how it happened and it is a long story. My question it normal the first couple of days to feel irrigularities in my heartbeat when lying down? My pm does not kick in till 110 because it is being used to prevent a block that is rate related.....usually exercise brings it on. Kind of a problem since I am a p.e. teacher. Anyway, I am pretty sore but that seems to be lessoni...



Hi....I had my first pacemaker at the age of 8
Now 42 years later.....I am still having a wonderful life here in the lovely land of the loveable Aussie
I am married....had 4 healthy children and I am the proud grandma of 3 girls.
I want to travel to the wonderful USA for holidays....
is there any restricion for coming to US with a medical condition.. I am travellling for the first time overseas....




I am a therapist treating a client who has had two ablations and has been recently told a pacemaker is the primary form of treatment to asssit with her arrhythmia. My client is extemely skeptical, and fearful of this option. This is outside my scope of practice (cardiac issues) and I thought some peer support may assist with my client's decision making process.

Does anyone know of any support groups in the greater Toronto area that I could refer the client to??



Hi I don't know if this is the right forum for me. I do not have a pacemaker but my 46 yr old husband had one implanted almost 3 weeks ago and life has gotten worse not better.
He had the PM put in after a car accident indicated that his heart was pausing. We were told that shortly he would be better than ever. He was a healthy man, walks 8 miles a day, doesn't drink, smoke, or eat poorly. He should have bounced back quickly from the procedure??? His dr. wants another blood test in 3...


Chiropractor Visit

Is it ok to see a chiropractor for adjustments and what should I becareful of


New to PMC

Active and in good health after only 3 or 4 days of feeling a little dizzy and faint on Feb 28, 2007 I actually fainted at a site just 2 miles from St. Lukes (Mayo) Hospital. Fortunately my wife was with me and able to drive me to the Hospital. I walked into the ER and blacked out for real at the ER desk. When the EMT tried to take my vitals there was no pulse and he began Chest compression. Within minutes I was wheeled into the ER and had several attendants treating me and they called for the C...


Chat Room

Ok I see a few people are here, talk to me in the chat room i am, Colleen


Pacemaker update

To all that have helped me I say a big thank you for all your help!!!
If interested pleas reference "Told I need a pacemaker" posting
I have just returned from a specialist in arrhythmias and he reviewed my file and determined that I do not need a pacemaker..although the future may bring differern circumstances but not now. He said due to my heightened vagal tone and active lifestyle I am seeing dropped beats at night. The vagal tone he said is more active at night that is why my holt...


AT 500

Is there anyone out there who is having problems with this model. It was great at first, then about six months later I started to feel really awful. They went in and found out a lead wasn't turned on, I felt great again, now I back to feeling awful.


More Recall News

Medscape Alerts
Guidant Issues Advisory on Early ICD Battery Depletion
from Heartwire — a professional news service of WebMD

Steve Stiles

April 11, 2007 (St Paul, MN) - The Boston Scientific division Guidant is warning physicians and patients [1,2] that some models of its Vitality, Vitality 2, and Contak Renewal 3 and 4 lines of implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) and cardiac resynchronization therapy-defibrillator (CRT-D) devices may require...


a blessing

Saturday morning when I went to religious services at my synagogue I asked my Rabbi if there was a prayer that one gets for getting a pacemaker. He thought for a moment and said, "tick tick, tick tick, tick tick." One more for Blakes next book. AmyMarla


A similar topic

Hi Guys,

I have been reading your posts with interest. I am flying to Naples from the UK in a couple of months time. It is the first time I have flown since I've had my pacemaker and I'm a little nervous. I have read all your experiences, so I think I'm pretty clued up on what to do and what not to do - thank you all.

I just wondered if there are any language experts on the site who could tell me how to say "I have a pacemaker" in Italian please? I'd like to write it on my...



What is the protocal for passing through airport security? I've never done it. Should they let us go to the front of the line?


You know you're wired when...

You can take a lickin’ and keep on tickin’.

Member Quotes

I have had my pacer since 2005. At first it ruled my life. It took some time to calm down and make the mental adjustment. I had trouble sleeping and I worried a lot about pulling wires. Now I just live my life as I wish.