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I wanted to thank you all for the encouragement. I have been starting to do a little more now and that is nice. My left hand still has been going numb and I continue to have the spasms but they aren't as bad as they were or i'm starting to just get more use to it. I scheduled an early apt. for next week because I still have been getting dizzy some. My surgeon told me that I still most likely will have the neurally mediated syncope but I was overall hoping I wouldn't. I was also wondering if an...



Hello all,
I have never found anyone at the chat site. Does anyone use it? Am I in a different time zone than those listed?


Told I need a pacemaker

Good day to all...this is my first posting and is going to be tough as I am shedding tears as I write this because I cannot wrap my head around the fact that I am a 36 year old male, in great physical condition, extremely active and have just been told I need a pacemaker because my heart rate droped to 20 beats per minute at night( Holter showed some times of 3 seconds between beats).

What I just cant understand is that during the daytime and during phisical activity everything is co...



Hello my friends,

I hope your okay and living a better life then me. I miss all of you in here. I'm thanking God for our brothers for stepping up to the plate and sharing their feelings. I hope all men respond not only to the women but also to their brothers in here. I just got out of the hospital and I've had all testes done. I'm not having a heart attack but they can't figure out what's going on with my symptoms. I wish I was a millionaire so I can bribe them to find a pro...



I'm scheduled for an ablation on May 23. I have at least three bad electric circuits in my heart that are causing me to go in and out of atrial flutter. I'm told this problem is common for adult congenial patients who had surgeries as a child. From what I've read and have been told by my doctors is that the success rate for such a procedure is high. I hope so! I want to get back to feeling "normal" and off my blood thinners or should I say rat poison.

Does anyone have information...


leads replaceed

Hi Everyone,

I had my first pacemaker 1996 not the best experience. Had problems with right arm.Went for therapy and cortizone shot helped. In 2004 my lead was fractured while i was getting out of my car for work. The funnies nosie which I cant explain . I was very active so probably the lead got worned .I went to my doctor.'. went for test and referred me to a dr. in Albany. It was scary due to the risk involved. I had both leads replaces and a new pacemaker on my same right side . I...


Bi-Ventricular Pacemakers

I just got a Bi-V pm a month ago. Any information on them would be great. Lots of postings on the standard pm from what I can tell. Forgive the ignorance, but what is a dual chamber pm? A little info on pm terms would be great. Thank you



UPDATE: PM Problems whey Flying

If you remember my earlier post in February regarding interference with my pacemaker when flying, I have gotten some validation from a reliable source. To recap the problem, although I have flown hundreds of times since getting my implant, three times in the past 10 years I have experienced problems with it malfunctioning while flying. The manufacturer does not admit a problem with it and my cardiologists didn't offer any support either. In other words, nobody believed me.

All I kn...


starting to see a lites at the tunnel

For the ones of you, that has flowwed up with me on my heart condition and problems with no medical care in cardiology has really been a rough road.

Well, the area I live in In Alaska, got a Guardian Angel, He is a Cardiologist from Idaho....He start seeing patients by referrals this week.

My internist actually set it up for me to see him and I so far now don't have to go to Seattle Washignton a 5 hour flight to get care........

First off, this Cardiologist is...


how do you deal with shoulder seat belt irritation

I would appreciate hearing from those who have solved the shoulder seat belt problem. Who can I go to to have the shoulder strap moved so that it does not hit the site. Also, the wires of my pacemaker got tangled and push my skin out about 1/4 of an inch which is very sensitive and uncomfortable. Has anyone dealt with this kind of problem? Thank you. Shelly


New Member Needs Help

I had a dual-chamber Medtronics pacemaker implanted in November '06 after a symptomatic ER admission to a major Heartland hospital and a subsequent diagnosis of sick sinus syndrome. This "Adapta" pacemaker was reimplanted in the other side of my chest later that month following the onset of unusual, new symptoms which arose at home one week after the initial surgery. These symptoms included significant left jugular vein distension; frequent belching and hiccuping especially when the diste...


a setback

Hello all,
I got my dual chamber medtronic on demand pm on 3/19/07. I had a tough few days then 11 really good days. I went back to work and on the second day I had an anxiety attack(I guess thats what it was) on the drive home. I had put in a 15 hour day(behind a desk) and drank lots of caffein that night. I felt good and not tired when I left. But this panic just came out of nowhere. I've taken 2 days off work and had the pm checked. It's fine and my heart is fine. It seems like i...


calling all nurses

Hi~ I am an RN and am retuning back to work and ak wondering if anyone knows of any problems with having a PM and working in the OR? I saw that Lenora is logged on and I know from readingyour posts you are a nurse..I'm wondering about cautery, laser, etc..I love working in the OR but want to make sure I can do it safely. Thanks!!


For Parents of kids with Congenital Heart Block

Please join us if your child has congenital heart block and/or neonatal lupus.


New Member Needs Help

I had a dual-chamber Medtronics pacemaker implanted in November '06 after a symptomatic ER admission to a major Heartland hospital and a subsequent diagnosis of sick sinus syndrome. This "Adapta" pacemaker was reimplanted in the other side of my chest later that month following the onset of unusual, new symptoms which arose at home one week after the initial surgery. These symptoms included significant left jugular vein distension; frequent belching and hiccuping especially when the disten...


To all pacers living in.........

Edmonton, Alberta - Canada.....

Drop a line.....and lets start figuring something out where we can all meet.



We got our dog!

Hi Everyone - For those of you who were on this site a month ago you know our little 10 y/o poodle, Charlie, died March 2 from a heart attack. All you dog lovers know exactly what my husband and I went through. My kids and grandkids, too. Well, Sunday, April 1 we adopted a little 2.5 y/o blond-colored, male miniature poodle. I started looking online just a couple of days after we lost our Charlie. We knew we wanted a rescued poodle if we could possibly find one locally. We named him, Shugg...



Has anyone ever experienced a change of skin color in their arm from the pacemaker. I have noticed quite often my left arm and hand are visibly darker in color than my right arm.


Help me Sleep!

Helo all: Colleen here, I have posted this before but nobody let me know what they thought. I have a big problemsince I got my ICD in 2005. I cant sleep. I have been taking Gravol every night since and I have to admit that I am addicted to them. It seems to be the only thing tht helps me fall asleep. I have tried everything from sleep aids to warm milk to relaxation periods to herbal remedies. I am so scared that I am addicted that I tried for two nights of not taking the gravol, but slept maybe...


Learning to Live with a PM

Learning to live with a pacemaker has been different for me to say the least. I initially contracted an infection where my pm was placed. Now that I'm passed that my shoulder is black and blue and the site of the pm is sensitve to the touch, should I be concerned? I'm also finding it very difficult to sleep. Some days I have good energy and other days I feel like my energy is just zapped. I have nureo cardiogenic vasalvega syncope. So does anyone have an opinion regarding my concerns? I'm...


You know you're wired when...

You have a high-tech ticker.

Member Quotes

Good luck with your surgery. It will improve life amazingly.