Most Recent Messages in Complications

Guidant Device

My first pacer was a Guidant installed in Jan. 2004 for sick sinus syndrome. Three weeks after a check up in December 2010, it failed. None of the cardiologists familiar with my case had ever heard of that happening, especially since three weeks prior it was shown to have about a year of battery life left.

Have any of you ever heard of that happening?

It is life threatening and if I had not waked up to go to the bathroom, my husband would have had a blue, cold spouse the...


Erratic beat

My single lead pacemaker has been in ten years.
For the last six months most of the time my pulse is giving 2 beats then pause, with variations of six beats or when asleep, I think down to 1 then pause, because I wake up gasping for air.

Technician says my pacemaker is supplying an even 70. My BP monitor reads 44. I am 100% dependant.

Cardiologist has just given me my 6th angiogram that confirmed no blockages, but he says output is down to 30%. Recheck a week later sho...


Thank you Blue

Gee, I find it unusual that you had more energy when you went down from a 70 setting to a 60, thought it would be the other way around. Happy New year to you as well my pm friend from Australia.


Pm setting

Hi, I had an aortic valve replacement 5 years ago due to stenosis( really don't think I needed it), anyway three months ago, I passed out while driving and went to an ER where they implanted a St Jude Pacemaker. It was set at 60, like I think everyone's is initially, I felt I was more tired than before my pacemaker, and arbitrarily asked the pm technician to boost me up to 70. Lately I am mildly short of breath. Is this normal??. Please help me and don't give me the buck up routine. I am great f...


Sycope even with my PM

I had my PM implanted a little over 3 months ago on 09/28/2012 for sick sinus, and 3rd degree block due to rheumatic fever when I was 12. I also had a hole closed in my atrium 2 yrs ago. About a week ago I walked into a side mirror on a huge truck which parked too close. I was at the perfect height for it to hit my PM which istantly brought me to tears and took my breath away. Since then, I have passed out 2 times and become dizzy while walking. The PM even looks different under my skin. I have...



Does anyone with a pacemaker experience shocking or stinging? When i put pressure or weight on side of incision it stings. I have been lifting weights and no problems. I am 5 weeks post op.



A Fib

I just got out of the hospital. I was in critical care. I knew something had been going on for weeks but I am not used to feeling as if I am a hert patient so I dismissed it. The top part of my heart was in "A-Fib" while the bottom was pacing at 100%. They said they think my heart is doing what it did so many years ago that caused me to have this pacemaker. My heart puts out way too much electricity for my body. But the thing is they took out the top part of my heart so I find it hard to belie...


Vein Stenosis and Occlusion

I have been having pain and swelling in my left arm. It is swollen and reddish purple. The pain goes from my chest, neck, shoulder, arm, all the way to my fingers. I had a veinogram and balloon angioplasty done. The carotid vein has collapsed around the pacemaker lead. The doctors are going back and forth on how to treat it. I have been told my pacemaker needs to be moved to the other side. But now the surgeon says he won't move it because the same thing may happen on the other side. Today the s...


reters syndrome bradycadia

After Reiters Syndome I developed Bradycardia and was installed with a dual chamber pacemaker. The problem came on fast. Prior to the pacemaker my Blood pressure was always 124/78 and heart rate of 69. My pace maker is set at 60 and 120. When I am pacing my BP can become normal, but when not pacing and my heart is 65-70 my blood pressure soars to 170/90. As time goes on my heart seems to be taking over more and more and I am pacing less and less. The more it happens the higher the blood pr...


Cardio version

My mom is having cardio version in the morning. She is more anxious about the esophageal echo. The dr told us he doesnt use as much sedation as you would with an endoscopy. Also there is talk of a pacemaker if this does not do the trick. My aunt was at the hospital today and when that was mentioned she was all big eyed and oh! I would just stick with meds!!!! I have only heard good things about pacemakers...any wisdom from the ones who have first hand knowledge,,Also am
Any opinions on Prad...


Runny Nose

Is having periods of runny nose (without having a cold) caused by having a pacemaker, also, periods of upper chest gas with slight discomfort? These seem to have started after getting my pacemaker.


Coughs, Tests and More Challenges

Hi guys,
It has been at least since February that I posted. It has been an interesting year. I try very hard to keep moving and not be stopped by my health issues, which are really trying to sideline me. OK, so moving into the details. I had my pace maker on February 15 and had to go for a lead revision on February 28. A Medtronic REVO, MRI compatible. In my reality, I have traveled all year for my job- especially busy this summer and fall. Life was moving forward, except for a cough t...


Stray impulse

Hello to you all,
After a recent check up and a "tweaking" by the technician i have had a stray impulse which causes a major spasm in my diaphragm and this happens every night at 5 pm, regular as clockwork. I am fully paced with 3 leads and a medtronic pacemaker.
Any similar experiences out there?


Sense of smell

Has anyone ever associated an acute sense of smell with having a pacemaker implanted?



Hi - My first post. I'm 63 and had the widow maker at age 45. Have had several caths - latest a year ago. On diability as I just have no energy and am having pretty constant pressure and pain. Had the icd implanted twio years ago,. Excercise on treadmill - slowly - and get chest pain after., Have caridomyopathy. Dr is messing around with meds and nothing seems to work. ANy ideas?


Laser surgery

Just joined 5 minutes ago! Have had time to read a few posts and learned a lot already.
My issue is a tiny facial cyst that could b removed with laser. Because of my PM, the dermatologist wants me to have it surgically removed. This means a lot of inconvenience for a small problem. Not really ovely concened abut its' being malignant, just a precaution.

So are PM users allowed to have laser surgery?


PVC's, Shotrnes of Breath, Dizzy Spells, Need help

It seems we all have some issues with our PM’s but I am having several issues with mine. I have had a history of irregular heartbeats for past 12 years and in June 2011 I passed out while driving. I had a halter monitor on for testing and my heart rate dropped into low 20’s and them would race to 180 throughout the day and night. I was diagnosed with Tacky Brady Syndrome and in July I had a Medtronic Pacemaker installed. I felt some better after getting it and my energy level did increase but no...


shortness of breath

Had a defib/pacer implanted in January 2012. Hospital stay was longer than usual because of shortness of breath. After 8 months and cat scan and floroscopy, I was diagnosed with damage to the phrenic nerve which controls the diaphragm. Left side of the diaphragm is paralyzed and there is no fixing it. Expensive pulmonary rehab at my expense may help buold up the working lung. Dr. Thinks it was damaged during January surgery. Very frustrated and depressed as my ability to do the most simple...


pain, burning sensations

I have been having pain in my chest the last 3 or 4 days. Right under my left breast I feel a lot of pressure, and then needle like pain and a burning senasation that goes down my left arm. I have had my PM since March of 2009. In the past when this has happened, it was due to blood clots in my arm, and another time my lungs. This time they can't find any clots, so any ideas out there on what might be going on!


Lariat procedure

It has been suggested to me by my doctor to have the Lariat procedure done. I'm just wondering if any one has had this done


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