To those not feeling well

Good day,
I was thinking about the members that I have been missing and it occurred to me that it could be because they are not feeling so well.
I would like all of you to know that you are missed. Each time I come here and I don't see you I think about you guys. You know who you are, I really want you to say that I am thinking/praying about each of you. I understand that so many are going through tough medical times. I understand that it can take every ounce of strength just to get to the kitchen to have a meal and that there is nothing left to give. I hope you know that you are still here in our hearts.... not to be forgotten!

Please also know that no matter what country you are in... Japan, USA, UK or OZ. I miss you and would like you to know I am thinking of you. I pray for a speedy return of your health and of course your return to the Pacemaker Club.

Blessing to all of you, may your strength return sooner than later,

love, Pacergirl



by Bionic Beat - 2008-11-22 10:11:37

A wonderful post Pacergirl!

I'd like to second the feelings expressed.

Blessings to all who are not well, hope there are better days ahead.

Bionic Beat


by lb151 - 2008-11-22 12:11:26

Thank you pacergirl,,,I come here because there are folks here that feel the same way I do. Its comforting to know that how I am feeling is ok and I will get thru it. Somedays its so difficult to be strong. I join you in praying for myself and others who are struggling,,especially getting thru the holidays that are approaching.
One day at a time,slow and steady.
God Bless

You know us so well...

by bunnykin - 2008-11-23 12:11:07

Pacergirl thank you! You've brought a tear to my eyes and pulled one of my heart strings( no pun intended); At this time I don't have the energy nor the mood to elaborate but sometime soon if the Lord allows, we'll meet again soon on this site under different circumstances. Meanwhile, I'll take one day at a time till the EP comes back with a solution or drug that works. Thanks so much again. Love to all for now.
You are so right about your hunch when we're absent.

Now it's my turn.....

by pacergirl - 2008-11-23 12:11:17

It is me with the tears in my eyes... for all the suffering in this world of pacemakers and ICD dependent friends... I want you to know that I am thinking about all of you.

If my post in some tiny way I can bring a warm feeling of love and kindness to you, then my goal has met.

I am so glad that you were strong enough to read it.

As you said so well.... Love to all for now....

p.s. I am going to bake some cookies now... I like to keep busy when I am worried about my friends.

You know you're wired when...

You play MP3 files on your pacer.

Member Quotes

Hi, I am 47 and have had a pacemaker for 7 months and I’m doing great with it.