Cute Docs!

My goodness girls... I go out to the garden on a beautiful Sunday morning and while I am outside all this happens... LOL! I need more details... because this sounds like good medicine to me! My Docs are the same age as me which is over 50, but when I am at the hospital ... that's a different story!
I hope everyone can appreciate our sense of fun!

Have a great day girls and remember... details! he he

live, love and most of all laugh!


p.s. You girls are awesome!


Good meds

by ela-girl - 2008-09-21 01:09:05

I agree, pacergirl! It's all in the details! Especially because some of us may not have the cutest docs!!! Although, my EP does have an awfully good looking PA....




by pacergirl - 2008-09-21 03:09:46

hee hee.... oh what fun it is to be a woman!


You know you're wired when...

You run like the bionic man.

Member Quotes

Try to concentrate on how you’re able to be active again and feel normal, rather than on having a machine stuck in your body.