I'm in the hospital.

I had to have a heart moniter put on and so I have tacacardia(Spelling?)So I have been in the hospital for a week and so now I have a Pacemaker and Defibrilator mix. I am very nervous about this can someone that has this inform me ???


inform you

by Tracey_E - 2008-12-04 06:12:02

Inform you of what? :o) Most of us here have pm's or icd's and we're happy to answer your questions, but I'm not sure what you're asking. It's normal to feel nervous about it at first. The best thing you can do is learn about your condition and your device. Understanding is a large part of acceptance.

get informed

by crimsonmarya - 2008-12-04 11:12:05

As a veteran to heart disease I suffer Tachycardia and atrial fib for 10years, before having a pacemaker as a last resort to keep me alive. I have CHF and medications and other treatments repeatedly failed.
I had a constant HR of 120 or above and this caused some damage. Now I've had my pacer for 9 mo and am doing better for rate control. Keep in mind everybody is different with their condition.
I remember being affraid having my PM put in because they had to do a full AV ablation and I was scared I would make it out, but anything is better than death. All went well and now my life is much improved.
Get informed by your doctors and understand your condition, ask questions, and keep strong. You'll be fine!

I'm so sorry

by PM_Pretty - 2008-12-05 08:12:09

Haha I was so woozie from all the meds they were giving me that I didn't ask the question ! ! !
When I made this account I only had a pacemaker but just recently I got the mixture of they Defibrilater and Pacemaker put in one .
My question was what are things to worry about and things to look out for and just experiences ! ! !
I also would like to know what a shock feels like . I'm extremely scared to have a shock ! ! !


by Pookie - 2008-12-06 09:12:15


Sorry to hear that you are scared, but understandably so.

The best advice I can give you is to call your doctor or use the SEARCH feature here on this site...it's up in the upper right hand corner...you will find a wealth of information there.

Best of luck to you....and remember....we are here to support one another. Excellent group of people here.

Keep us posted.


15 year old son has ICD

by Anita - 2009-02-17 07:02:52

Hello my son has had his ICD for over 2 years. He had just turned 13. He has ventricular tachycardia which is the worse of worse. His heart rate goes over 300 bpm. He has been shocked 9 times. He had an ICD storm . An ICD storm is where you get shocked more than once in a 24 hrs. He was shocked 8 times in 19 min. His heart rate was at 315bpm . He has been a very brave young man. He does suffer from anxiety! We have been going to The Mayo clinic in Minnesota for over a year now. They did a procedure called ablation. They feel very successful that they have taken care of him for now. I don't wont to scare you but you should have an idea how it feels to be shocked. I don't know what you're settings are. If you only have VT it might only feel like a small thump. It all depends on how bad the vt is. My son goes into vf which he gets the bad shock. He saids it feels like someone hit him with a baseball bat. The pain only last a second and its gone. The fear of it is what gets you. If you haven't been shock , you might be so lucky that you will never get shock... I would not worry about it until that day. My son only had his for 3 months when he got shocked the first time. He was playing on a skate board near a baseball field. He thought he had been hit in the chest with a baseball. He doesnt get to play or be active . I say be strong and try not to worry about getting shock.. remember lots of people have had icds forever and have never been shock... so this might be you.... well good luck and I hope this will help you....

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You read consumer reports before upgrading to a new model.

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It is just over 10 years since a dual lead device was implanted for complete heart block. It has worked perfectly and I have traveled well near two million miles internationally since then.