Anyone else diagnosed with Lenegre's Syndrome?

I don't know if it is 'just in my head' - - - - - - is it possible to feel more fatigued the more the pacemaker has to be used?
Does it matter - maybe - what the underlying condition is that requires the pacemaker in the first place??
Has anyone else been diagnosed with Lenegre's Syndrome?


uh, might be in your head

by Tracey_E - 2008-10-16 05:10:22

It can't hurt to get the settings checked just to be sure nothing needs tweaked, but the pm runs on a battery- it does not stress your body or use your energy at all to function. It's just filling in a little electrical impulse that your body should be sending out but isn't. It doesn't matter what your condition is, all pm's work by stepping in when our heart doesn't beat when it should. You should actually feel less fatigued because it brings your hr up which provides more oxygen and gives you more energy.

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Try to concentrate on how you’re able to be active again and feel normal, rather than on having a machine stuck in your body.