Got my pacemaker on sept, 29

Hello everyone, I hope this is an ok place to post this. My name is Anthony and I'm 28. I got a dual chamber medtronic pacemaker put in on Sept 29 for sss. I previously had tachycardia and was ablated two times which put me into brady. I don't know anyone with a pm so I didn't know anyone to ask about some things and am glad I found this place. Right out of getting home I had to go back from having breathing problems which turned out to be pleurisy. Which is still no better and hurts like heck. I can already tell my heart is doing better but one thing I don't like and hope can be adjusted is I can still feel my heart beating especially at night, which is bothersome to sleep with. But other than that I am doing ok. Looking forward to meeting you all, Anthony.


iam new too

by alice G - 2008-10-03 03:10:01

i am new too ive only been on here about a week i had mine put in 15 july. it has been great since i found this site ive just had a ablation 2 days ago . they are a great bunch of guys and the chat room is a real laugh . i hope to you meet you on there. a nicer bunch of guys you will never meet . they make you feel at home and the support is wonderful


by Tracey_E - 2008-10-03 03:10:40

We're so glad you found us. I don't know anyone else my age with a pacemaker, either, and I've had one for 15 yrs now! I got my first one at 27. Please don't be shy if you have questions or just need an ear. We've all been there.

The sensations will get better with time. It takes a while to get used to a normal heart rate again. If it doesn't go away, ask about having the settings adjusted when you go for your next check up. It's really easy to do.


by LouLou21 - 2008-10-03 04:10:30

Hi Anthony, welcome to this site, its such a good site and group to join, it got me through some tricky times with the care and advice that some of these guys offer.
I am 30 and i got my pacemaker on april 16th this year. Its a bit of a shock but as time goes by you learn to get on with it and put your faith in it.
Like the above three members say, you will get used to the feelings and will gradually not notice so much what your heart is doing.
When you go for your checks just let them know what you have been feeling and if you can write down the time and date if there is anything that makes you feel not right and they can smooth things over with a little tweek here and there.
Good luck and nice to meet you.

got my pm on sept 29

by thecrazyone25702 - 2008-10-04 12:10:16

Thank you all for the welcome. I really like being apart of a group that people know what I am talking about.

I didn't tell a whole lot about myself so if you have any questions just ask. I will say that I was never sick until I donated my kidney to my niece in 06. I had sepsis and everything went downhill from there it seems. I started having the heart problems sometime after that. I have had stomach problems and kidney problems so I am not new to sickness. Its just this heart pm thing is really perhaps the weirdest of them all.

A little while ago I had my heart acting just like it did before I got the pm. It was beating very rough and pounding after I came up the stairs. That is the first time its done this since I had it put in. So far up to that is has been really well and smooth other than the palpitations I mentioned to you all. So I don't know what that's about. Hopefully it will be ok and I haven't messed a lead up or anything. I have really tried not to move my arm around. Last thing I need is to have this done again.

You know you're wired when...

You can hear your heartbeat in your cell phone.

Member Quotes

My pacemaker is intact and working great.