I have missed you all

Greetings everyone! ;-)
I'd like to say hello to all my pacer friends and say I'm so sorry I have been absent for the last few months. This Summer has been packed full of activities for me. Some very fun and joyful and some very, very stressful. I flew to England to meet Peter and Nina in May, I was in California 4 weeks later to visit my folks and family, I quite my job of 10 years, I went to work for a Dr. and hated it and quit that job as well. I am working now with a new dr. in a new practice which will open in about a 1-2 weeks. It has been a wild ride since before I was in England. In fact I think I need another holiday to rest up! All along I have tried to keep up with the wonderful friends I have here. I hope you all will forgive me for my long absence. I have missed you!
Sincerely, Pacergirl


Thank you ;-)

by pacergirl - 2007-10-01 08:10:42

Hello Jessie, You are so kind. Yes, it does seem that even after pacemakers that the stress never ends. I keep trying to eliminate the stress or at the very least lower the stress level, but it just seems to go on and on. I have found that the support of our friends here helps tons!

I hope things settle down for you as well. So sorry to hear about the loss of your family members.

Thank you for you thoughts and prayers,


by jessie - 2007-10-01 12:10:33

it is always stressful to start a new job. i hope this one is good and works out for you. with a dr. if you are a good fit then it usually works. some are very difficult to work for. i was in the business for over 40 years. i think we forget that it is very stressful at times life in general. after the pacemaker life doesn't stop does it? this year we lost a s-i-l and an aunt in our family and we also have just gone thru bi-pass in our immediate family, my husband. so it never ends so don't feel bad you. you were an example to the club what can be accomplished e.g. the visit to peter in england. good for you. so hopefully life gets back to normal for you susan and you are in my thoughts and prayers jessie

You know you're wired when...

You have an excuse for being a couch potato.

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Today I explained everything to my doctor, he set my lower rate back to 80 and I felt an immediate improvement.