
Im going to cardioligist tuesday just want some advice. Im almost 4 weeks into my implant, 10 weeks after high risk bypass, and an ef at 20%. Started back to work last tuesday, was able the first 2 days not having to do alot, got tired and a little short of breath, thursday and friday I tried to do more work, well thursday i got short of breath pretty bad and light headed, friday got short of breath and dizzy felt like my head was numb I had done quite a bit of work, kinda of scared me cause i really didnt feel good. anyone else have any advice or tell me what is going on.


My 2 cents worth

by Pookie - 2008-10-12 01:10:41


Personally, I think you went back to work too soon.

Is your EF still at 20%?

Why push yourself that hard?

I'd be checking with my doctor or cardiologist because you shouldn't be feeling that bad and working.


I agree

by Carol - 2008-10-12 01:10:53

I am a RN and although you're 10 weeks post-op from your bypass, you're still only 4 weeks post -PM implant. Generally speaking it takes anywhere from 6-8 weeks from ANY type of surgery before you start feeling like yourself again.
The type of work is also a factor. If your work is primarily that of a desk job then it might not pose a problem, but if you do physical labor, well, that's another story....especially with a low EF.
Hopefully you're recovered from your day and feeling better now.
I suggest you check this out with your doc and if need be get a script that will extend your convalescence period a bit. That's what I did after my PM was placed and I was still having some issues. Most employers will honor this without repercussions to you.
Best of luck and keep us informed as to your progress.

Question...Your healing still

by joy1 - 2008-10-12 03:10:35

Both of the the previous comments are correct. I'm surprised your doctor released you to return to work so soon. You have to give your body a chance not to just heal but to adjust to what has been done to it.

Generally, there is some fine tuning of your settings which needs to occur to help relieve the symptoms you received the device for in the first place. That fine tuning can't really be done until your body is allowed to find it's new normal. You know the old axiom "Patience is a virtue."? It's not just a virtue for the likes of us, it's a necessity.



by LindaScarberry - 2008-10-12 04:10:51

Are you taking water pills? I was on 3 water per days before and after my ICD implant. Three weeks after the implant, I started getting very dizzy and didn't feel well. Went to the doctor and found out that my heart was doing so well with the ICD that I was now over medicated with the water pills. I reduced the Lasix and I felt better the next day.

Make sure you see your doctor immediately. I'm lucky, I have a great doctor that got me in there immediately and when I walked in the door he told me not to worry because he thought I was just doing so great that it was now time to reduce the meds and that's what it turned out to be!

good luck,

I was told to go back

by walkerd - 2008-10-13 06:10:27

by my cardioligist. Yes I do physical labor, work in a tire factory. Machines cook rubber at 400 degrees to form the tire, there are 32 presses which run 24 hours a day. So its a little warm to say the least.
Yes Im on lasix and another diaretic pill, at 1 week post pm that is what the cardio thought for my shortness of breath and took me off the lasix, well the shortness of breath didnt go away and i started getting lightheaded or dizzy same thing to me but they started me back on half dosage of lasix. When i was going thru my bypass both surgean and cardioligist didnt want me to return to the job that had the extreme heat exposore all the time, i dont know what changed but it did. I just dont want to have another episode and go thru what i did on aug1.


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