EP Study

Hello everyone! I haven't posted in quite sometime. I was wondering if anyone has an Electrophysiology Study since receiving their pacers? I have had 5 EP studies but they were all before my pacer. They said that they can do the study through the pacer. I have been having frequent PVC's and short runs of v-tach per my pacer and been passing out. 2 1/2 weeks ago I passed out while driving. They said they will still sedate me and put an IV in. My question is, is it still as painful as the going through the groin method. They said non-invasive yet why would I need sedation? My apt is on May 22nd I will let you know how it goes.

I hope everyone has a good evening.


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I still feel great today and can’t stop feeling excited at my "new" life. Modern day miracles through medicine and electronic devices are amazing!