Junctional Rhythm

I had to have a lead revision done over the last couple of days and seem to have developed a Junctional Rhythm.

I’m wondering if any of you folks have had experience with a Junctional Rhythm
and if so how did your doctors handle it.

Thanks in advance for your reply.


junctional rythem

by thecrazyone25702 - 2008-11-08 04:11:37

I have had them. My doctors didn't make a big deal out of it at all. Of course they sent me home from the hosp with a hr in the 20's and 30's too.

not pleasant!!!

by bambi - 2008-11-09 09:11:21

I had my pacemaker turned off temporarily following surgery removing the leads. Until they replaced the leads and hooked me back up, I was in junctional rhythm. It was extremely scary and uncomfortable! So I can sympathize! It is a mystery to me why Dr.'s blow off their patient's complaints and make us feel like it's all in our heads! The nurses and techs seeing this happening on the EKG's [I was on a heart monitor 24/7 in the hospital] told me I was in junctional rhythm and it would go away once I was being paced again, and back in sinus rhythm. They were right, but those 48 hours were awful! I thought I was going to die! I hope your Dr. addresses this issue for you! Let us know how you do!

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My pacemaker was installed in 1998 and I have not felt better. The mental part is the toughest.