need input for protective gear

Hi pacers!
I need your input. I am working on a product, along with an athletic trainer, that I made for my daughter who is now eight and has been pacing since she was three. It is a protective device/gear for when she plays sports. It is patent pending and we are in the marketing/devolpment phase. I have brought the product to both of her cardiologists(Columbia Pres. in NYC) and they both encouraged this product. I was wondering if you could give me feed back if you would use/need this type of product. You can email me directly at I appreciate your help!
Keep on Pacing!


input for gear

by ZoieS - 2008-01-02 01:01:17

You will start to feel better in a few weeks. I am glad to hear you would be interested in our product. This has been a long and trying process with the patent but I feel EVERY pacer will need one. I have been working with a professional athletic trainer throughout this process as well as my brother-in-law is a cardiologist. My daughter's cardiologists from Columbia Pres in NYC have been very supportive as well. This system is a 2 part system. 1)is the actual proective gear and 2)is a shirt with pocket that the device is put into. This was, you can wash the shirt as well as change the shirt size as the kids grow bigger. If you send me your email at, I will keep you posted on our product. We are just about finished with our website.
Keep on pacing!

Inout for professional gear.

by Janet - 2008-01-02 01:01:49

I am very interested in what you might be developing. I am only two weeks in to having a pace maker and still very sore and tender in the operation area.

My doctor has said that I can recommnece playing badmintion after three weeks (which I play at league and countey level). However right now I do not feel I would be able to cope with wearing a sports bra, leave alone playing. So happy to help in any way I can.


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