1st PM 24th July - don't feel any different!!

Hi again!

Well, still feeling tired walking up stairs, still get the odd fluttering in my chest - well, in fact all symptoms prior to Gerry being inserted!

Often wonder, did I really need the pm (I have 2nd degree heart block) - thought I would be skipping about like a new born lamb! I know it is early days and have been back a couple of times to check on the general pacing - and all is well.

Pre op I was 35 - 45 bpm and now around 85!!

Any top tips always welcome!!

Love and hugs, Loopy Lou xxxxxx


Hey there :)

by uvagershwin - 2008-09-20 06:09:35

Hey Lou! I'm sorry, but I don't have any advice. I just wanted to give you a virtual "it'll-be-alright" friendly pat on the back. I'm glad you are doing well and have a normal pulse!!! Take it easy and ask your cardiologist about your problems.

P.S. I like the name you gave your pm! :)

yes, you needed it :o)

by Tracey_E - 2008-09-20 08:09:59

35-45 is too low! Yes you needed it. I'm sorry you're not feeling better yet. Is your color the same? I'm guessing it's better now that your body is getting twice the oxygen. I went from very pale with occasional blue fingernails when my hr was in the 30's to pink now that I don't go below 60.

When you've been for your checks, have you told them that you're still getting tired easily? It could be that your body is still adjusting and it'll take some time to get back into shape, but it also could be your settings.

i was totally exhausted for 3 months . i had to sleep in afternoon. it took a lot out of me but i was in 3rd degree and was having symptoms for 4 months

by jessie - 2008-09-21 03:09:07

all i can say is it might be too soon ask your dr. i did and he laughed and said well you really sick and it takes the body as long as it takes to recover. so don't be hard on you.i was just glad i was stronger and not feeling next to death. jessie


by heckboy - 2008-09-21 11:09:54

Having the time delay between your atrium and ventrical adjusted. I found myself getting tired walking upstairs, but could feel my PM working when I'd check my pulse. I had the time shortened a bit and that did the trick.

Don't be afraid to go in every week and have them play with your settings. Remember, they work for you!

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I have an ICD which is both a pacer/defib. I have no problems with mine and it has saved my life.