Feeling so tired

Wish all of you had a great thanksgiving day. We spent ours at my daughters house. But with the traveling, I am so tired.
Today tried to put up some xmas dec. and am I whipped by just moving a very small table. Also short of breath, to the point where I had to lie down. Seems like my heart is beating rather fast. My heart works only 14%, am wondering if I need to have pm/def. at a different setsetting. Had it checked 3 times already& was told everything was working fine. Makes me wonder. Hope that my heart is not getting weaker? Was told that the meds that I am on, should help make it stronger. Hope that it is not getting weaker. How can one if the tell if the heart is getting stronger. Cardiogram?
Didn't have one of those checked since I had my device implanted. Should I call the dr's office, wondering if anyone else in this group has the same feeling. And what did you do about it. Had my 2nd transplant in late aug. Also every time I get stressed I feel so flushed, & my face gets sooo red. Thanks for listening to me.Hope the rest of you are doing better than me. It is no fun. I am wondering if I will make it thru christmas. Got some gifts wrapped just in case. Thats how bad I feel. Hope to chat will you soon. Thanks again for listening. Hugz..rayan


different device

by pacealot - 2008-11-30 09:11:11

if you dont have a three wire defibrillator, it sounds like you might need one. they are called Bi-V or CRT defibrillators. Ask your cardiologist, or go see an EP cardiologist. They specialize in these devices. It could make you feel better and less whipped after moving around.


by rayan - 2008-12-01 10:12:24

I had 2 leads for my 1st surgery. Three months later had the 3 leads done. Was hoping that that would make me feel better. I did feel better for a month or so, but I am right back where I started. Was hoping that the drugs would help strengten my heart, but feels like it hasn't done a thing. They did tell me that the pills might not help, was wondering if I should have a scan done on my heart, and if anyone else on here has the same feeling. Thanks, pacealot for information. Hope to hear from others in this group.


by candi51 - 2008-12-01 11:12:00

Hi rayan!

I'm sorry to hear you are feeling so poorly. I would definitely call your cardio DR or your EP right away and be persistent until your questions are dealt with.

An echocardiogram would show if your heart was weaker and is such a quick and easy test. If anything it could set your mind at ease. Do keep in mind that the echo's can be as much as 10% off in terms of the ejection fraction. An angiogram(cath) is the most accurate but also obviously more invasive.

What meds are you on? The beta blockers can make you feel REALLY tired and short of breath but should not make you feel like you are flush and racing heart, etc. Are you possibly allergic to one of the meds? Has there been a change since you started feeling this way? I had a similar reaction to Toprol and am fine on another beta blocker.

My EF has increased greatly due to meds but it has been a year to get to that point.

Another question could be about the settings on your device. Is something possibly set differently that is making you feel this way? Heart rate going too low?

Can you take your pulse and b/p when you are feeling poorly and have a record to share with your Dr? Maybe that could help to find an answer.

I hope you feel better :-)
Hugs to ya!

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