Feeling sad

Hi there:
I have had a miserable day. I feel soo sad & don't know why. It's 10 days post surgery. Been crying some . Has anyone else have this let down feeling. The Dr gave me a RX for something, but don't want to take any more than I already have so many I take now. For Heart etc. What does one do when one feels like this. Could you help me out. I just feel miserable.
Thanks for your support.


join the crew

by lryegbert - 2008-09-08 07:09:00

We have all been there our after the inplante will go through it. We all have good days and bad days look you did great you came to the right place for support go into chat and see what you can find.


by chip - 2008-09-08 07:09:15

Hello rayan,

Sorry to hear that you're feeling down. I'm sure everyone on this site has felt it now and then I know I sure did post implant. I quickly realized that my life was much better with my PM and the blues soon passed - Yours will as well if not talk to your doctor about it soon!

I will say that I think you should take those meds.


by jessie - 2008-09-08 07:09:42

it is quite common to feel these feelings. you aren.t unique. we all feel this. only you can decide re meds. it is okay to take them. this is an earth shattering change rayan. i still cry at times. i am tho doing okay. i can. not change it so i am stuck lol laugh as much and hardest as you can. we are walking around like robots. that alone is funny to me. i love my life. every day is new. i can explore now as to what i like and don.t like. i also can remove myself from stupid people. i never ever will be conditioned to do what someone else thinks is best again. ever. i will stick to improving only me. life is really good. i don.t regret the past. it is all a learning situation all thru life. no man is an island. you get what you give and many more blessings. it may not turn out like you thought but rest assured it will turn out good if not with the people you thought you would end up with. life is very funny. nurses can.t make mistakes. did you know that. we must be almost infallible .isn.t that just ridiculous. nurses are not human. take care all my dear friends we are spending our last day in rome. be back in cananda and at home wed nite. will tell you all about the cruise love,jess


by rayan - 2008-09-08 08:09:15

You already made me feel better. Just reading all your posts. I know that things will get better, but some days it is so hard. Thank You again. You are so understanding. Bless all of you.

I had the same feelings...

by turboz24 - 2008-09-08 09:09:26

I to cried several nights after my initial ICD implantation. It did feel better getting back to work and after a 2 week break, getting back to working out.

I will not lie, I still have my "ICD blues" days.
They usually start on those days when my ICD just hurts more than usual and I just have that feeling that I want to pry it out ..... or I see myself and think "man, I'd look pretty good without this large chunk of metal hanging out of my chest", thus my total aversion to looking at myself without clothes.

I can say it get's better. I will never feel like I did before my ICD, but life just sucks sometimes and I guess you have to live with that.

Keep smiling!!!

by Rewiredaussiegirl - 2008-09-08 09:09:53

Hi Rayan,
As you can see you are certainly not alone .We have all been through the depression in the early stages after getting our pacemakers..
I think it is the shock at first of realizing that we are battery controlled and not in charge of our lives Whenever I felt a bit down I would log on here for an hour or so and got so much help and support.
I feel so healthy and well now that somedays I completely forget that I am .."Pacemaker dependent"!!
I'm sure you will start to feel the same soon and you will make some great friends here as well.
Take care..Happy Pacing and keep in touch,

Hello Rayan

by pacergirl - 2008-09-08 09:09:53

Hi there.... so sorry to hear of your situation... but I can totally relate. Seems for me as if everyone felt that I should be happy that I was still alive and that I should just "Get on with it" Whatever "it" is!

I have been where you are and I feel your pain. I am working through it with the help of my friends here on this site and so will you. Some days are just easier than others. I try to laugh about it most days... and when I feel like crying....well... I give in and let the tears flow.

It took me awhile to realize that I was actually grieving for the life I used to have.... little did I know that my new life (with my pacer) has proved to be filled with so much life and love that I am often overjoyed with it all and experience tears of pure happiness!

There are angels here... trust me I know.
Blessings to you!

It will get better

by branch57 - 2008-09-08 10:09:58

It is very normal to feel this way. At times, I still can get anxious about having a PM but then I think "it is my friend". Life goes on and you will feel better.
If you feel like crying you should but always try to laugh after! Technology is wonderful! I think we all have our ups and downs. If meds were prescribed take them for awhile until you feel that you can cope. Nothing wrong with some medicinal help.


by ElectricFrank - 2008-09-09 12:09:22

The next time you feel the sadness try to get in touch with the actual feeling. Don't try to figure out a "good" reason for it, just what is the feeling. Often this will lead to helpful insights.



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