PM 2 weeks & tired

Hello everyone, I am a 53 year old and I live in Finland. I got my pace maker two weeks ago. My healt has been quite good. But I have been tired during the last 6 months. During one morning I had three blackouts. The last one was a 15 sec heart stop (which was recorded by ambulance people). I also had a strange pain in stomach area which dissapeared soon. Doctors diagnosed FA paroxysmalis & sick sinus syndrome.

There has not been found any special reason for this occasion. The coronary arteries are ok. Everything in my blood is ok. My doctors recommended me a PM. I didn't have very much time to think about this and here I am with the PM.

The implanting looked and feeled quite simple. One of the leads was too short and that is why the PM had to be re-implanted.

There has been some pain in my right shoulder area but now it has gone.

The doctor wants to do some more tests. During the next month I will get the Holter-test. I had a Holter 4 years ago but it did not give any special findings. During the last 10 years there has been a couple of situations where I have had some strainge rhytms of heart beats and I have been in hostpital 2-3 times. Anything special has not been found. (The reason for abnormal heart beats seems always be too much stress).

Now I am wondering why I have been so tired lately.

This club is fantastic and I get much information by reading your messages. I like to read your experiences and feelings concerning the PM, because I didn't have the possibility to think different options myself. After reading those it does not feel so scary any more to have a PM.

Medical vocabulary and some abreviations are some times strainge to me (but dictionary helps).

Best regards


Medical Abbreviations

by Pookie - 2008-07-21 06:07:13

Hi sunhill and welcome to the club.

ccmoore, a member, posted a very good list of medical abbreviations on July 17 entitled: Heart Industry Abbreviations...just use the search button up in the upper right hand corner to look it up.

hope this helps. if you cannot find it, let me know and I'll help you out.


A usefull list

by sunhill - 2008-07-22 05:07:30

Thanks Pookie!

That is a usefull list.


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I am a competitive cyclist with a pacemaker!