magical olive oil

I'm 4 1/2 weeks post replacement. The tape finally came off last weekend but there was enough sticky residue around the incision from the tape that it still looks all bruised and ugly. I didn't want to scrub at it but soap and rubbing alcohol didn't touch it. I ran into a nurse friend this morning at the gym who saw it and asked why it's still so bruised, I said it's sticky gunk, she said try olive oil. Two quick swipes and it came right off!

Don't try this at home if your incision is still new and the glue is supposed to be there! And I didn't do it right on the incision, only the area around. It's probably ok at this point but better safe than sorry.


How cool is that`

by Good Dog - 2016-03-02 04:03:00

I love olive oil and eat it a lot, because it is a really heart healthy food. Glad I found another use for it!



Who would have thought?

by BetsyQ - 2016-03-02 06:03:50

Thanks! My husband just had surgery and has that icky residue that won't go away. I'll try the olive oil tonight.


by WillieG - 2016-03-02 08:03:32

Wonderful think to know! Thanks for sharing! I don't recall that my glue lasted quite that long but the area looked much better when it was off.

Good Tip!

by FaithGrace - 2016-08-21 17:25:48

I bet this tip will come in handy for me in a few weeks! Thanks!

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