Thank you

Hi All

Thank you for all your lovely welcome. I am still trying to find my around this message board, I find it a bit complicated, I am sure I am missing out some important messages.

I also have some other problems that have been highlighted since having my pacemaker, the pacemaker has recorded several episodes of AF and two of VT, has this happened to anyone else. I now am being monitored closely and I take beta blockers.

would like to hear from anyone who has had the same as I orginally had the pacemaker for syncope, which it has worked wonders for.

Many thanks




by Suze - 2008-05-19 04:05:31

Hi Julie and Welcome to this site.

I have a question for you. Are you saying that you didn't realize you were in A Fib until they saw episodes were recorded on the pacemaker...and they read those at your PM check up?

If this is the case, I wonder if you had A Fib and VT before the pacemaker but were unaware? Just a thought.

Anyway, I'm glad you found us. My problem is the opposite of yours...A Fib BEFORE the PM was implanted. But not any episodes in the last two years since having the PM. (And taking meds)....At least so far.

Hope someone can give you a real answer.


by Deb - 2008-05-20 12:05:38

I have Long QT and have several episodes of Afib and Vfib a month. So far they are small and I have not had to be shocked. I have had a ICD for 1 year, after going into cardiac arrest. I am also on a beta blocker. I was wondering if you get any light headed or feel dizzy when you have these episodes?

Hi again

by mandogrl - 2008-05-21 09:05:33

I just posted a reply to your original message. I was misdiagnosed as epileptic too, as you'll see when you read my reply.
I feel blessed to be off meds and staying vertical. They have recently found that my resting pulse goes below 50 pretty often (more so when I sleep). It was affecting my sleep to have the pacing, but now has been adjusted well.
Did you have the tilt table test? When I did at 6 minutes my heart stopped for over 20 seconds, restarted and did it again.
Good luck with yours, I don't understand a lot of the cardio-language, just know I have a heart that gets lazy sometimes.

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