Huge Ugly Operation.....

Thankyou for all the support, prayers and positive thoughts being sent our way.

Still having problems with Head nurse not wanting Hubby there at night....strikes me as odd, he can be there all day, once I'm out of the step-down unit. Or he can visit every hour of the day....all because a room mate will be a woman!

Liver Guy is going to call me tomorrow, I hope they've got it sorted....I agree with Jessie, I have the right to have him with me or a daughter to alternate at all times.

This isn't just a whim, it's extenuating circumstances and I hope Liver Guy will side with me (seemed to in his office) and tell the Head nurse that Hubby is staying.

Daughters have got almost every night covered,all but about three.....Hubby is willing to "stay put" and I'm willing to go ballistic if they try to make him per my GPs instructions. He said to cry, scream and hang on to Hubby...totally freak out. Says that should make the nurse back off......if not, tell them to call Liver Guy cause they've got me all upset!! GP says they wouldn't dare.

I need this done asap, in 48 hours I could be in the step-down unit with this all behind pun intended.

I'm sure hoping that they've found a private room or some flexibility by the morning......I want to do this on Tuesday at 8 am.

Please send positive thoughts and prayers, I even went to church tonight, don't have a good feeling about this one....its riskier and more dangerous than my two heart ops were....scary stuff.

If you don't hear from me, it's being done......and I'll be back in a couple of weeks, hopefully safe and sound.

God bless and thankyou for being so kind and caring.

You are a wonderful bunch of cyber friends!

{{Hugs}}} Bionic Beat



by sis - 2008-09-15 01:09:43

Sending lots of hugs and prayers for you Bionic!!! With all of the prayers on here from all of us everything is going to go just fine!!! And yes tell them he's staying with you!! If they don't let him stay just push the buzzer nonstop LOL Again many prayers for a safe and speedy recovery!! xox~sis

hugs and prayers

by Tracey_E - 2008-09-15 07:09:59

Sending lots of hugs, prayers and healing thoughts your way. What a shame you have to plot out how to keep your husband with you! I hope it doesn't come to that.

stay strong

by dual pacer - 2008-09-15 10:09:16

Hi BB. sending you and yours well wishes and lots of prayers. Ask to talk to the administration. Dont stress to much. its not good for you. tell them that too. I had men for room mates when I had my 1st OH. So you should be able to have one family member in with you. they can leave if the rm. mate has to get up. keep the faith.


I'm probably too late...

by bambi - 2008-09-15 11:09:17

to wish you the very best for your surgery, but here it is anyways! Is it tomorrow? Try to relax and not stress so much over the what ifs. In my experience, I do a lot of stressing over things that turn out to be "non issues"! Your life is ultimately in God's hands, friend, so just know that my thoughts and prayers are with you!


by jessie - 2008-09-15 11:09:31

is our society coming to this where family are insignificant in contributing to healing and giving support? i am afraid so. hope you get what you need. insist on it. to many people just accept their dumb rules and are afraid of the establishment. good for you. hugs.........jess

i totally agree

by jessie - 2008-09-15 12:09:15

a family member who would use the facilities in a pt's room is totally inappropriate behavior. you should have told the nurses and they would have booted her out.some people are totally selfish but most are not. jess

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