
Hello! I just joined and have a child with a pacer. Any other parents who have lil ones with one? I'd love to chat. Thanks!



by slarnerd - 2008-03-22 01:03:49

Welcome! My paced son is 20 months old and has been paced almost from birth. He is scheduled to have his generator and leads replaced in May.

You may also like to join the yahoo group for parents of kids with pacemakers, AV block, and/or neonatal lupus. http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/heartblockkids/


Hi, 4Mommy...

by morgysmom - 2008-03-22 12:03:53

I just found this web site a couple of days ago myself, so I'm pretty excited about it! I also joined as a mom of a child w/an implanted device. My daughter, Morgan, is 15 yrs. old, & has had 4 different devices. She currently has an ICD, but the 1st three devices were pacemakers. She had the 1st one implanted eleven days after she was born. How old is your little one & how long has he/she had a PM?

You know you're wired when...

You make store alarms beep.

Member Quotes

Stay positive and remember that your device is your new best friend.