Pain under arm

Is it normal to get a sharp pain under your armpit on the side of the pacemaker.


PS What is happening with Smitty, why is he leaving I cannot find the joke and what it is all about. I have always found that Smitty is helpful.



by heckboy - 2008-02-28 04:02:59

No pain in the armpit for me, but my left hand, particurally my two little fingers tend to fall asleep more often. Im hopings its an artifact of my not doing a lot with my left arm and not a lasting result of the surgery.

Chris aka, "heckboy"


by Christmmpace - 2008-02-28 11:02:12

I've also have experienced pain under my arm as well. Twice this happened to me and twice I went to the hospital and they said I had a blood clot near the pacemaker site. It had a DVT. I had to be placed on blood thinners for some time. I don't want you to worry too much. I waited for days until my arm turned reddess, purple. I hope you have yourself checked out and maybe have an ultrasound done. May you find healing very soon. God bless you Jules.



by pat - 2008-03-04 10:03:03

smitty posted a joke that was really funny to me. but as i have found out, this website has been a god send to me for all the information that everyone has posted and especially smitty. i don't post very often, but to make a long story short, you cant please everyone, and there are a few who you just cant please at all. i really hate to see smitty leave this group just because of a petty thing like a joke. my goodness it seems like we have enough bad days, that to make such an issue out of this is ridiculous. just a thought and only MY opinion.

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