Does anyone...

Does anyone...
1- Occasionally want a completely and totally normal life?
2- Get treated at the University of Virginia Medical Center?
3- Have congenital heart block or got their PM @ 15 hours old?
4- Know how I get another PM ID card?!?! Mine went through the wash! >:)


Yes.... I do...

by pacergirl - 2008-01-08 09:01:01

1- Yes, I would love to have a normal life... but I don't know what exactly "normal" is....
2- I am treated by a Canadian Cardiologist in Kansas. :-)
3- Have heart block and some other heart issues...I got my PM @ 50 years old instead of 15 hours old..... Not quite the same.
4- Know how I get another PM ID card?!?! Mine went through the wash! >:) .......Yes.... call the manufacturer... they will help you out....If not let me know.... ;-)

I had the 1st half of my life to enjoy good health.... At the very least I did have that. Now... I have to consider my "situation" before I can do anything. So... I understand some of your frustration.

Uva, You sound like a wonderful person... I hope you can see what a gift your life truly is. Not just to yourself... but to the world.

There are people I know, whom I love, that are struggling everyday with the fact they could drop dead at anytime. They somehow persevere. I hope and pray that you can as well.

You are very special and you are not alone. Keep in touch, if you need help getting a new pacercard please let me know. I will see what I can do. I call insurances everyday and I am good at getting what I need.

Take care, pacergirl....

Who wants "Normal"?

by dward - 2008-01-09 02:01:32

Even if we COULD define what a "Normal" life is... would you REALLY want it? Do you not think it would become...boring?

No matter what life brings us, it's how we VIEW it that really affects us.

There are so many sayings out there about this - and one is: "Life is a journey." It truly is.

One never knows what may be around the next corner, sometimes it's REALLY great, sometimes not so great - but when you think about it - isn't that what makes it interesting?


by uvagershwin - 2008-01-09 08:01:16

I didn't mean I want normal all the time, just occasionally. I know that sounds stupid, but at times I get frustrated when I can't do things other teens my age are doing. No contact sports, no playing a Wii, and having to show a PM ID card at airport security before boarding. It's fun, frustrating, and strange all at the same time!!!


by uvagershwin - 2008-01-09 08:01:39

Normal meant as no PM and can enjoy life as other people do. I love having a PM, but sometimes it is frustrating. I will call Medtronic sometime and ask for a card. Thanks!!!

Hi it's me again....

by pacergirl - 2008-01-09 10:01:22

You said it best yourself.... and I quote! .......
"It's fun, frustrating, and strange all at the same time!!!"

My goodness girlfriend you said it best! :-) You really don't need my advise! You are doing just fine....

But..... I do know what you are saying.... somedays I would like to have my pre PM healthy body back, but most of the time not.

I do wish that those that I love, who are in bad health, could have healthy hearts. That is what I wish for....

Take care, thanks for sparking such interest!
Pacers Rule! hee hee

Pacergirl (no space) <:-)


by uvagershwin - 2008-01-10 07:01:34

Why thank you! I would love to know what a pre-PM day feels like, alas I will never know because mine was implanted at 15 hours. But that's ok, I KNOW I am SOOO much better off than some people. Yeah, it's a shame that some people who need PMs can't afford them... Hopefully some day that will all change! PMPMPMPMPMPMPM!!!! Woooo!


by gevans - 2008-01-10 07:01:42

It sounds like you have too much voltage going through your body (lol). There are plenty of folks on this site that would love to have your energy, vitality...and youth. I think you need to think less about the PM and more about what you CAN do. Granted, we do have a few restrictions, but when you consider all the possibilities that are out there - education, exploration (of the world and yourself), relationships, activities, etc,ect, ad infinitum.

Just use that hyper-energy to discover the new "you" and all of it's possibilites. Savor life.


You know you're wired when...

You can shop longer than the Energizer Bunny.

Member Quotes

Do feel free to contact the manufacturer of your device. I have found them to be quite helpful when I have had questions and concerns.