physiotherapic advise


even after six months i feel difficult to raise my right hand above my physician advised meto consult an ortho specialist and to take help from any physiotherapist under the supervision of the orthopediatric. Can anybody help me to clarify me whether this is common with pacemakers.


Which side is PM?

by auntiesamm - 2007-12-06 04:12:15

I am assuming your PM is on the right. Did you avoid using your right arm/shoulder following implant of the pacer? Some people have developed a frozen shoulder from disuse. This is why it is important to not raise your arm above shoulder level but to exercise and use it below the shoulder. Whatevere the cause you should consult an orthopedist and follow his/her directions. Yes, physical therapy would help if it is a frozen shoulder. Where is your home?

Sharon (So CA)

by GeorgieBoy - 2007-12-06 08:12:45

To answer your inquiry about inability to raise your right arm above shoulder level. You have apparently developed a "frozen" shoulder. This can be remedied by seeking aide of na physical therapist who can teach you techniques to increase ypur range of motion of the affected shoulder. You may need to get an RX from your cardiolgist to be refered. This problem can be resolved without any drastic intervention. Good luck A P.T. with a pacer

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The experience of having a couple of lengths of wire fed into your heart muscle and an electronic 'box' tucked under the skin is not an insignificant event, but you will survive.