Keeping a job as a Police Officer

My husband is currently a police officer on the East Coast. He will be undergoing a procedure to have a difibrillator implanted soon. Just wondering if there are any other individuals in the same field who are currently working as a police officer or who have had to terminate their positions in the Police Force due to having an implantable Difibrillator. Police work is and has been his passion for many years. I just don't like the idea that maybe his passion will be stripped away. So again the question is can you still actively be a police officer with an implantable Difibrillator?



by jessie - 2007-11-26 01:11:33

i sent you 2 private messages on the subject. i hope they are of some help. keep the faith jessie

There are others out there ...

by admin - 2007-11-26 08:11:56

I'm not a police officer, but I have heard from recipients who are. I suggest you use the search feature (top right corner of this page) to find postings that may help you.


You know you're wired when...

You run like the bionic woman.

Member Quotes

I am not planning on letting any of this shorten my life. I am planning on living a long happy battery operated life. You never know maybe it will keep me alive longer. I sure know one thing I would have been dead before starting school without it.