
Dear Kiwi:
You are having much the same symtoms that I had before I had to have a pacemaker. The dizziness is a real symtom and apparently you still havent had the irregular heartbeat feelings that tells you that something is indeed wrong. You are young to have this but I understand that if you have had the tests its just the natural pacemaker that are sending too many messages and hence the irregular heartbeat. I had to have an ablation which means I have to have a pacer and am 100% dependent and that was almost two years ago. I am a lot older than you but normaly very healthy. You will be fine if you just do what they say. The surgery is not bad and be sure and do what they say for 6 weeks after the surgery. You will be fine and remember you have us!!

Good Luck DD


Also a recent PM recipiant

by jcheezer - 2008-09-28 09:09:17

Hi Kiwi. Like you I'm a 48 year old female(I know you are only 45, but close enough lol). I was also having many funny fainting spells and lots of heart irregularities. I was back and forth to the Dr so many times that I lost count. I was getting very anxious and frustrated especially when I had 2 near fainting spells while driving.
I finially pleaded to have one more holter type test done which they agreed too. It was determined within 2 days that I had 3rd degree heart block and that I would need a PM. Myself, I was both scared to death and relieved. At least they finially figured out what was the matter with me. I had my surgery on July 3rd after spending a week in the hospital and am finially feeling really good.
Im getting my life back. I did not bounce back really quickly and had to have a second surgery on the 31st of July to replace a faulty lead but other than that I feel good.
I know this is a very scarey time for you but trust me it will get better. Take one day at a time, don't rush yourself or let others rush you.Surgery can definetly take alot out of you.
This website has been a godsend at times, especially the first couple of weeks after surgery. Don't be shy to come on here and get the support you may need.
Good Luck, Jean

Thanks for your encouraging comments

by kiwi - 2008-09-29 07:09:06

Hi DD and jcheezer. Thanks for your encouraging comments, they really do help, will keep you posted on how things go.
Kind Regards
Kiwi (Judy)

You know you're wired when...

You have a new body part.

Member Quotes

Try to concentrate on how you’re able to be active again and feel normal, rather than on having a machine stuck in your body.