Pain Relief - Finally

I have finally gotten some help for the pain I have suffered with since early December! Ten days ago my IM suggested we try neurontin, for nerve pain. After six days, it was as if I could finally see the breaking of day, after a long dark night. The burning pain I was having is practically gone, along with the angry depressed mood I'd had. Thanks to all who put up with the negativity in my postings and comments, and to all who have corresponded with me, especially CathrynB. I still have some hypertrophic scar pain, which we're considering treating with steroid injections, but I want to find a doctor who is thoroughly familiar with giving them. At any rate, I'm so grateful for how much better I feel already.


Good to hear..

by cottontop - 2008-02-07 09:02:50

Vonnie, That's great news! I hope things keep on the up and up. Keep those spirits up. I know it is very hard at times as I have been there. Take it one day at a time. You are in my prayers.
Take care,Amy

Neurontin (Gabapentin)

by VonnieVern - 2008-02-08 10:02:48

Neurontin is a brand name for the generic drug Gabapentin, an anti-convulsive medication (capsules) used for seizures as well as nerve pain. It helps calm overactive nerves, therefore reducing or eliminating nerve pain in some cases.

You know you're wired when...

You can hear your heartbeat in your cell phone.

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In life we have to consider what is more important, the loss of the vanity or the gain of the life.