ICD/PM testing

Would anyone be interested in the formation of a group to provide independent testing of ICD's and PM's at cost only. Its an idea thats in its infancy but might clear up some questions for us about recalls and such that manufacturers aren't always honest with us about. BEST TO EVERYONE



by SusanBrookhouse - 2007-12-04 02:12:28

I have read with great interesting about the ICD/PM testing.
My partner is a TV/COMPUTER/VIDEO engineer and quite often he has said jokingly, I could test your pm for you without any trouble.
I have laughed at this suggestion many many times and wondered if it could be done.
Any suggestions or is he just merely joking.

sign me up

by gevans - 2007-12-04 07:12:18

I love being a guinea pig, especially if it helps someone else (or me, indirectly).


by kmhayward - 2007-12-31 06:12:19


Testing needs to be done by a trained professional, sorry. It has taken me 4 years of full on training to get where i am today and i still need to do the NASPE/BPEG certification to be able to expertly test ICD's. Also you need the specially designed programmers, there are different ones for each manufacturer, in order to interrogate the device. If you are a properly insured and accredited clinic then these programmers are provided on loan by the companies. So in order for you guys to set up an independent testing facility, you will need.... a fully licenced accredited technician and a contract with the companies providing the programmers. We may make follow-ups look uncomplicated ost of the time, but we have been intensively trained and practiced for many years. When it comes to the electronic diagnostics, again the companies have you.... they all own patents on certain components and there is no way they will give out that information, especially if they think the information may be used against them.
Sorry to be such a downer


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I had a pacemaker when I was 11. I never once thought I wasn't a 'normal kid' nor was I ever treated differently because of it. I could do everything all my friends were doing; I just happened to have a battery attached to my heart to help it work.