Comment posted by rancho60 on 2007-09-21 10:17.
Thanks for all the comments and suggestions - you all have really eased my mind so much. I had my first visit with my Cardio guy who said everything looks wonderful. My pacemaker is working at 20 percent, and I am healing wonderfully. I only have a few concerns and that is my blood pressure. At his office it was 149/90 he thinks it was because I was a little anxious - and he is more than likely correct. Had an appointment next day with my primary care doctor - my blood pressure was 140/88. I question her about this and she wanted to monitor my blood pressure for a couple of months. Since I have never had a problem with high blood pressure previously she did not jump the gun and put me on medication. Now I have monitored it last evening it was very high to me 138/90 ---- and again this am it is high to me. Is this a norm after a pacemaker......When should I be scared or am I overreacting? I am reading some material on how to lower your blood pressure by diet an excercise........ any suggestions before I start to panic over this blood pressure....... also I seem to feel alot of nervous energy is that also a norm.


White Coat Syndrome

by RickSt - 2007-09-21 07:09:42

It's possible that you've developed white coat syndrome. The anxiety of being in a doctor's office can cause your bp to go up. I'm 51 and have had several serious illnesses and surgeries so you would think going to a doctor wouldn't bother me....wrong. My bp can be as normal as can be at home but skyrocket in a doctor's office. All my doctors know it now so they don't get real upset over it. I do usually tell them what readings I've been getting at home.

However don't check it very often even at home. If you think you're bp is high then it probably will be when you check it because you're expecting it. My cardiologist has told me that I'm to the point where I shouldn't be checking mine more than once a week.


Me Too

by bowlrbob - 2007-09-21 10:09:02

I never had high bp before the pm either. after it went to about 140 over 90. The highest it went was 153 over 93. It ran in there for months. My Dr. gave 25m of atenolol and it is in the high 120's to low 130's over 75 to 85. That is not much medicine to take but I never had to before. No Dr. has been able to explain this to me. I did have a nurse however that gave me a possible reason. She said maybe because of the Bradycardia and the low blood pressure for probably 3 to 5 years maybe my system was working harder to keep up. Then after the pm doesn't know how to slow down so slightly elevated blood pressure. I guess that's possible.? What does everyone else think? Bowlrbob

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I am a competitive cyclist with a pacemaker!