New Member

I was reading the message from Michele and her bypass surgery. I to had lap band surgery in Nov. 2006. In April of this year I passed out and was taken to the hospital. I was told that I needed a pacemaker, I was so scared. I had never been told that my heart rate was slow. I think I have been lucky, everytime I go for my check up the dr. says I'm doing great. At first they thought that the surgery had something to do with it. I have never had snyone tell me a straight answer yet about it.
I glad to have joined this group becasue now I feel like I have someone to tell my fears to without scarring my family


Welcome to the club!

by admin - 2007-09-12 08:09:08


Welcome. We are glad you found us and hope to be able to help.



by randrews - 2007-09-12 11:09:00

Congratulations on finding this site. I've had my pm for 6 months now. I also have a slow heartrate and had passed out while resting. Physically I'm fine now. The hardest part for me has been being patient with myself during recovery and the fears and anxiety I have had. It all gets better as time goes by and I find that I can have my regular life back, even with a pm.
Please stay in touch and let us know how you are.
Take care,

Glad to hear your ok

by ladytex - 2007-09-12 11:09:53

I am sorry you have gone through this also. I am glad i am not the only one though. Did they tell you it was your vasel vaga nerve? my dr. just came straight out and told me that my heart is to slow. I have a stress test thurs. afternoon but i am going to ask to see a elctro specailest no matter what happens. so I take it all is well with your lap band?

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