Pacemaker clinic today 😃

I had my cardiologist appointment and pacemaker clinic today to check my device. I am pleased to report that since they turned up my RV voltage to 4.5, my pacemaker is working perfectly. They tested all three leads, and I only noticed that familiar sinking feeling on the RV lead. They haven't tested it in a long while due to my sensitivity to testing that particular lead. She asked permission and we decided to test.  

I am pacing 0 percent on the atrial

100 percent on the other two

I had no events 

Three years remaining on the battery life. The Boston Sci tech said all is well and the cardiologist gave me a fist bump! The tech said she has people with voltage up to 7.5 with no issues. 

I asked about the lead revision and the cardiologist said that although I only got my device in February 2021, they no longer place the RV lead like mine. Now the third lead is placed in the left bundle branch. He said they probably won't remove my old lead when the time comes, but will cap it off. He said there's plenty of room for a new lead in there. 

I asked him about the Micras but he feels they haven't been tested enough yet on enough people for a long enough period of time, so he doesn't recommend them. 
All in all, I am relieved and reassured!


Excellent news

by Gemita - 2024-10-14 16:45:44

Lavender, thank you for the update.  What a productive clinic appointment and so much advance information given.  You must be happy with that?  Did you really touch fists.  What a lovely team.

100 per cent pacing in both ventricles - no wonder you are such a good responder to CRT pacing.  That is exactly what you want to achieve.  Three years battery remaining is good too, especially as you are still on 4.5 RV voltage setting so still plenty of scope to adjust if it ever becomes necessary.

Well you certainly know what is ahead and that must surely give reassurance and comfort.   In 3 years time, they will be even more experienced with left bundle branch positioning but it sounds as though they already are?  Interesting to hear their views on the leadless variety but I am glad we have some brave members willing to go leadless and moving technology forward for the benefit of us all.



by Lavender - 2024-10-14 17:36:16

Yep my cardiologist is very friendly and he gives a gloved fist pump. My pcp hugs me every time I leave. I am so comfortable with my team. 

My cardiologist said someone has to go through trying the Micras. It's how we get progress and how we learned what we know thus far. He's just not recommending them yet for his patients. 

This tech gave me lots of information too. She was wonderful. She said Boston Scientific has some of the longest battery lifes. She also explained end of battery life and reassured me that they will replace before I would ever be uncomfortable. 


by Andiek11 - 2024-10-14 20:27:06

Always a great day when we walk out of any medical appt armed with positive messages and loads of helpful info.  Sooo pleased that you have a great team, (that includes YOU),  and that everyone's efforts are paying off.  YGG!

Brilliant News

by SeenBetterDays - 2024-10-15 13:31:29

Hi Lavender

I'm so pleased you had a positive experience at your appointment.  Also, you did well to go through the lead testing.  I am like you, sensitive to the test and will avoid it where possible.  It's great that you have had any worries about your lead allayed, a great relief that you have no imminent surgery and can hopefully coincide it with your box change.  That's really interesting that there seems to be a move towards LBB pacing.  I discussed this when I opted for conduction system pacing but the surgeon felt more comfortable with His Bundle pacing, it seems as though techniques are evolving as time goes on.  It's sounds like you have a really good medical team who are looking after you.  You are precious to us here at the PM Club so I'm glad to hear things are looking positive for you x


by athena123 - 2024-10-15 17:19:54

So happy to hear good news from your pacemaker results. No events and your leads are stable. best news and best wishes

Andiek11, SeenBetterDays, and athena123

by Lavender - 2024-10-15 18:08:45

Thank you so much for the loving encouragement! 💗 I did ask my cardiologist about the His Bundle but he said now it's the left bundle which is used. Amazing how fast things change in the protocol. Who knows what's next in years to come which will make things even more efficient?

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I, too, am feeling tons better since my implant.