Waiting for pacemaker

I was wondering how long you all waited to get your pacemaker installed?  My husband is getting a pacemaker but the appointment is in 7 1/2 weeks.  That seems like a long time to wait.  Thanks


Waiting for a pacemaker

by Selwyn - 2024-09-24 08:13:36

Personally, I had my pacemaker 3 days after seeing the cardiologist in his office. I saw the cardiologist two days after taking off the Holter monitor.

There are different reasons for getting a pacemaker. Some are immediately life threatening - you can immediately need a pacemaker, going from external temporary pacing to permanent implant eg. after a heart attack. Others are more of a convenience for symptoms eg. my mother in law had a slow pulse secondary to her dementia medication. Rahter than stop the meds. she had a pacemaker as her slow pulse made her unsteady. 

My pacemaker was because my heart was stopping - much more urgent. 

If you give the indications for having a pacemaker in the Bio information, then you may receive a more specific answer. 

Personally, our NHS has always been good to me for cardiology.. Waiting is never easy. Understanding whether the underlying illness is urgent or not is the key to anxiety relief. This may be worth discussing with your physician.


Pacemaker wait

by Bulltown - 2024-09-24 08:38:50

Thank you for your response.  My husband has a long history of heart issues.  Three weeks ago, they implanted a Loop Recorder heart monitor so he could stop taking blood thinners.  (He was put on the blood thinners one year ago after the AFIB ablation)  Three days after the Loop was installed, we received three phones calls within 25 minutes from nurses and the p.a. telling us to go IMMEDIATELY to the E.R.  The monitor was indicating Heart Block.  We went to the ER and waited 6+ hours in the waiting room.  Never saw a doctor and ended up leaving.  A week ago Monday, we saw an electrophysiology cardilologist who said my husband needs a pacemaker.  He is having 4 second pauses and could black out at anytime.  He said the pacemaker would be installed ASAP within two weeks.  Now it is Sept. 24th and the appt. is Nov. 13th.  I messaged both the doctor and the p.a.  No response.  So, I guess we wait.

Try Again

by IrishToast - 2024-09-24 10:06:15

I waited 9 1/2 weeks after totalling my car on the interstate from near or momentary passing out. My PCP detected bradycardia with his stethoscope, confirmed with a portable ECG and arranged next day with a cardiologist, who eventually only ordered a 30-day monitor and said don't drive. I was struggling to even walk. After which he wouldn't answer my several messages and attempts to find out what next. It was calls to nurses that got me to see an EP who took this seriously. I should have tried calling my PCP to question 30 days of monitoring. I never used health care much before so I didn't know I should have been much more assertive. System messages are not enough. Those can take days or not be answered by anyone who knows anything. Call cardiac or pacemaker clinic nurses or your primary doctor as advocates until you are comfortable with their plan. Sometimes there is a professional who isn't very.

Wait time

by PortCityPacer - 2024-09-24 10:39:51

I waited about 3 weeks due to previously planned family events I didn't want to miss, although my cardiologist said she had an opening in 2 days if I wanted it. Also had to wait on insurance approval as they initially denied me getting a pacemaker.

Wait time

by Babesmom - 2024-09-24 12:05:36

Mine was fast.

Went to a new Cardiologist Aug 5 because of misdiagnosed by several doctors

He promised me he would help me

Within a Month EKG, Echocardiogram, stress test, 30 day halter monitor and finally an Angiogram it waa during the Angiogram doctor decided on a Pacemaker 

So I was admitted and received it the next day.

It's been 2 weeks now

wait time for pacemaker

by new to pace.... - 2024-09-24 15:23:21

I think you should get a second opinon, as i do not see why you have to wait that long.  Although when i i first told i needed.  Asked about having it done at my local hospital was told not till the middle of Sept. The the Dr. said if i wanted it in 3 days could have it done at another hospital.  Asked my accupunturist and she said the sooner is better.  Had to cancel an event  that i had been planning on going to.  Glad i did as had been at a previous event and noticed that i was having a hard time.

new to pace


by Bulltown - 2024-09-24 17:02:08

Thanks to everyone for your help.  My husband is getting his pacemaker tomorrow!!!!!  I guess the squeaky wheel gets the grease.  Second opinions help, too.

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