A Message to the Living

Good evening All,

I had my 3rd follow up today and rythem and BP are great. And to continue on this journey its time to say good bye for now. I have found that this is truely a life altering experience and I have found a very nice peace and calm with this. I have faced mortality unlike folks without their bunnies, and know what it means to be alive. To feel, to know that with each cup of coffee and each trip to the bathroom I am alive.

I am here and will be now fro many many years to come. Thansk to my e-bunny. I have no more fears about my own mortality because we now know each other very well. I can only hope that all of you here can someday forget about the chunck of metal in your chest and remember how to live.

I have and it feels great. I find that even when I simply say hello and engage people in the stores or call a chasier by name it makes me feel good and from the look in people's faces I can only guess it does for them too.

Being alive means living and living means taking it -ALL- in. Enjoying the simple fact that yuo can be hppy, angry sad or joyfull. It is much better than the alternitive.

So to all of th folks that still feel lost and dimayed. Please think about this. You have been given the gift of time and please use it to your fullest advantage, don't ponder the what if's and the why's. Simply live. And enjoy your time.

Things are a lot more simple than we think they are.

Good luck to you all. Should any here need help I can lend either in a shoulder or information, please feel free to e me @ gdoble57@yahoo.com.

Cheers and thanks for all of the fish.



by cottontop - 2007-10-19 03:10:58

I am not so new but I took it the same way that Bunny did? Are you leaving the PM club. I should hope not. I am sure many people could beneifit from all your joy of life. I on the other had do not wish to forget " that chunk of metal in my chest". It is always there to remind me to cherish every moment if I complain to much or just get dicouraged. God gave it to me for a reason and I am 4 months in and I am still finding many positive reason for my PM. Happy pacing along!

God bless you,


by The Bunny - 2007-10-19 12:10:07

When you say good-bye are you leaving the PM Club? I am new to the group.
I read your posts and I just want to thank you for your honesty in dealing with your emotions...having a PM definitely makes you feel more. It also makes one to enjoy the moment...a friend told me yesterday, "Be here now", because really that is all we have. I've added, "Be here now and soak it all in!". It's the same idea as "Happy present moment". I like to look at that as a true present, wrapped in fancy paper with a great big bow and looking at the moment as a gift. It's unique, one of a kind, never to be given again, so enjoy it to the fullest!

I'm glad you chose the PM to help you continue on your journey.

I am wishing you hope and the best for you on your journey....

You know you're wired when...

Your favorite poem is “Ode to a Cardiac Node”.

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I consider my device to be so reliable, that I never think about a failure.