New to PM Club

I would just like to say how helpful and informative plus calming all of your posts have been for me since I just received my Pacemaker in February. According to my recent check up, I have not had any episodes of atrial flutter since this was put in and I hope it stays that way as it was ruling and ruining my life. Thank you all so much--keep those posts coming!



by godrew - 2024-05-12 12:13:00

I am relatively new also (2 years) I tend to read more here than post.  I agree gaining knowledge by reading info on what others have already been through is calming.  I am thankful to have found this site and that I am able to maybe gain some info.  

We all learn from each other

by Gemita - 2024-05-12 12:30:26

Lynn, you are welcome.  I am glad you find us calming (and you too godrew) and that is good news Lynn about the Flutter.  

My Flutter and Atrial Fibrillation have eased too and so have many other rhythm disturbances since my pacemaker was implanted.  I suppose you could call us super responders to pacing.  Hopefully it will continue.

Actually my electrophysiologist/cardiologist told me that I had bradycardia induced atrial and some ventricular (non sustained) arrhythmias and that once I had the bradycardia bit under better control with a pacemaker, I should notice improvements.  That has been my personal experience.  Certainly my arrhythmias have not become persistent as expected and I have been able to come off several anti arrhythmic meds.  

Of course electrical disturbances can change in a flash, but I am coming up to six years of pacing and 10 years since Atrial Fibrillation and other arrhythmias were first diagnosed with absolutely no signs of permanent progression which is often the natural course for Atrial Fibrillation once it starts.  Arrhythmias are still occurring but they don’t trouble me and generally only last for brief periods.  Hope it will be the same for you too

New to PM Club

by Lynn B - 2024-05-12 13:58:07

Thank you both for your input. I am learning each day how to live a more normal life and I'm liking it! Everyone here is so helpful. May you all continue to live a long life and thrive!


by piglet22 - 2024-05-13 06:00:44

One thing that happens when you get something like a pacemaker is that you never take your heart beat for granted.

It makes you rather special in being tuned into your amazing pump.

Although humans can do some awful things, we can do the most complex things to help each other.

There has been a documentary series on UK television called Surgeons at the Edge of Life.

One episode had a patient with an aortic arch about to blow yet surgeons were able to replace it, replumb the branches and fit a new valve.

It involved a huge array of supporting equipment including a bypass machine and not a little sewing skills.

A pacemaker is small beer compared to that procedure, but it's significance is just the same.

You know you're wired when...

Your signature looks like an EKG.

Member Quotes

Your heart’s electrical system has a manmade helper. A helper that only knows to do what it is programmed to do and will perform that function day in and day out, without fail. Now, go enjoy your new grip on life.