update to spine surgery

Just wanted to update my previous spine progrosis.  Just saw a second opinion Spine Doctor.  This one said no to surgery until i correct my underlining problem of Osteoporosis  That if he puts the glue in one fracture.  Another fracture can occur and more glue.  Plus he thought i might be allergic to the glue used.

Said i should see an Endrocronologist or a Rheumatologist.  Also said their might be new drug or something that could help me grow bone.

Have been trying by eating  a couple of slices of pizza every other day.  Along with ice cream. When eating either have to take Lactaid tablets, Beano, Gluten Enyzme, and allergy supplement Turmeric.

Cardiologist said to avoid processed foods.  What am i to do???

Growing old is not for sissies..

new to pace 


Hi Mary

by Lavender - 2023-12-08 17:50:12

I'm sorry you thought you had a solution only to find out you have to dig deeper. I do know that weight bearing exercises can help. A friend took a senior citizen exercise class and her bone density improved. She also walks daily. Calcium, Vitamin D and other supplements can help. Vegetables like broccoli, almonds and salmon are good food sources. 

thanks Lavender

by new to pace.... - 2023-12-08 18:01:35

have been trying some of the foods, unfortuantley cannot eat some of them but once every 4 days.  Geuss not being able to digest dairy when i was young then to be allergic to it later in life, did make a difference.

new to pace


by Lavender - 2023-12-08 19:04:46

As a child I ate everything but I never really liked milk and the way it coated my throat. This past year, I was diagnosed as lactose intolerant. The gastroenterologist said that sometimes as we age, we lose the lactase enzyme that digests dairy. I eat zero dairy. About six years ago(?) I was told by a gastroenterologist not to ingest tomatoes, chocolate, alcohol or caffeine. 

I eat vegetables, eggs, turkey, chicken and seafood. I only drink water and herbal tea. I eat non dairy yogurt, pepitas, oatmeal, dates, figs and nuts every day.

I miss margaritas, wine, coffee and chocolates. 😩 I miss pizza, spaghetti, and well, lots of items. But, I'm comfortable and don't miss the belly aches. 🥴 I too have osteoporosis and osteoarthritis that shows on tests but I am not noticing any discomfort or activity changes because of it.  Yet. Lol but I stay active. 

illegal foods

by new to pace.... - 2023-12-08 19:22:40

I stopped chocolate as decided not good , it was hard to give up. Tomatoes i gave up as it cause my arthritis to flare.  cardiologist said no caffeine.  so this week ate some coffee ice cream. just to get some calcuim 

 Next week will try to eat better.  for years was Vegan.  But when my body did not like that way of eating.  Would try other foods for a while then back to being vegan.

new to pace.

Growing old is certainly no fun

by Gemita - 2023-12-08 19:23:39

Mary, I am so sorry to hear this, but I would rather be told the truth than to have a doctor operate only to be disappointed with the result later.  Does this mean that one surgeon who you consulted would attempt to fix the problem and another wouldn’t?  

I am not sure that you would be prepared to take a prescription medication for Osteoporosis, or which one to recommend but I would recommend that you see an Endocrinologist or a Rheumatologist.  None of the meds work quickly.  Some are given orally, others by injection.

As a matter of fact I seem to have reversed my Osteoporosis in the spine.  My last diagnosis was confirmed as Osteopenia.  I didn’t think Osteoporosis could be reversed.  

My GP told me a few years ago to try Vitamin K2 (Active Bioavailable MK7 form).  I wasn’t sure whether it would be safe with an anticoagulant, but I have had no problems and my doctor said it was safe.  The GP told me that it can help to keep calcium in the bones rather than building bone.  It is difficult to know whether it has helped, but I am happy my bones are stronger.  I love natural organic yoghurt, nuts and seeds, green vegetables (purple sprouting broccoli, spinach, kale (we always have a green vegetable) so feel I get sufficient calcium from the diet.  I also try to exercise and take Vitamin D and get out in the sunshine during the summer.

Yes I would agree about the processed foods.  I don’t like it anyway.  I rarely eat confectionery or anything naughty (boring I know).   Perhaps you could eat fewer Pizzas and less ice cream and eat fish (like sardines + the bones for extra calcium), baked potatoes and green vegetables, yoghurts, dried fruits, nuts and seeds, blackstrap molasses.

What will you do Mary?  Will you change your diet, go on medication, or go with the surgeon who will operate.  What about the shoulder?  Will this procedure stay on hold for the moment and are you controlling the pain?

what i will do

by new to pace.... - 2023-12-08 20:57:30

Thanks Gemita for your  always knowledgeable comments.

Will not do the surgery for the spine or shoulder.  As i was scared about the one in the spine.  No need to stress this anyfurther.  Want to keep the A fib episodes down as much as possible.

  Will continue the electrical stimlus for the fingers, lower back and knees.  That seems to take away pain.    As the fingers are almost painless now.

Glad to hear you have reversed your Osteoporposis.

As to the ice cream have finished the diary one. Only purchased this when it was on sale this past couple of weeks. Wanted to try some calcuim this way.  Did really cheat as it was coffee.  Since i stopped the choclate.   2 more slices of Pizza which will wait  a couple of days as the wheat puts me to sleep.

Will know how  the pacemaker and A fib's did though all this as have my quartely remote transmission coming up on Dec 19th.  Did jot down a couple of time i thought i had some maybes.  Will be interesting to see if i am right or wrong.  Then might go back to trying the Algal OIl for a while.

new to pace

Surgery or no surgery

by Good Dog - 2023-12-08 21:02:53

Hi Mary! I missed your original post regarding your stress fracture. So I had to go back and find it. I am sorry to hear about your injury! I really would have no clue with regard to the best course of action, but if it were me; surgery would be a very last resort. I had a compression fracture of the T3 a few years ago. I was using a presasure washer and didn't realize that I fractured it until I finished my worke and got cleaned-up. OMG, I have to tell you that it was one of the most painful injuries I've ever experienced. Though I've never had a baby! There was nothing I could do or take to alleviate the pain. I tried some muscle relaxers and all they did was make me sick. Nothing helped, but time. No one advised me of anything after the injury except to rest. I told my neighbor about the injury and he did not believe that I could have fractured a vertabrae the way it happened. That convinced me that I must have osteoporosis. However, I did not change a thing and in-time I healed up nicely. So I am none the wiser. Fortunately, I have not had a problem since (knocking-on-wood).

In any case, I really wish you a fast recovery and hope you can get through this quickly and easily without any surgery.



decided no surgery

by new to pace.... - 2023-12-09 06:14:50

Glad to hear Good Dog that you have healed well .  I know that most  fractures take about 6 weeks to heal.  Expect there are many in my spine that have healed.        Fortuately do not have any or little to no pain.  Which makes me not realized have done anything to my spine.  The only way i know is when it happens,  bending than turning to the right.  I feel or hear the discs grinding.  Now of course i try to remember not to be in that position.

new to pace

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