New pacemaker up date

I am now just 1 week and 6 days into my dual chamber PM. Things are ok most of the time but I get terrible pain on the site of the implant when I first sit up/ stand up after waking. It passes off after a couple of minutes and I am left with an ache in the shoulder area. It feels as if the device drops  under gravity as  I rise up!! I still have some swelling and I am trying to keep my shoulder moving but that is painful sometime too. Anyone had any experience of this. Thanks 



by Lavender - 2023-11-01 05:50:29

What you're describing is common. There is fluid from swelling in there. That feels weighty. I'm a fan of ice packs placed near the device not on it. You must put a tea towel between the ice and your skin. 20 minutes on 20 minutes off. You can alternate with heat as well. 

I emphasize that it takes weeks not days to heal. Do not baby that pacemaker arm. Move it use it just keep elbow under shoulder height. This will improve and as hard as it is to believe, one day you won't notice the device anymore. 
May God heal you, comfort you emotionally as well as physically and send his angels to wrap you with peace. 💞


by piglet22 - 2023-11-01 07:23:12

I don't recall any significant pain post implantation, but don't forget, it is a significant procedure.

It's opening up a pocket with a lot of stretching to get something in the size of a small matchbox, plus the leads and the loops.

If you get the chance to see a chest X-ray, you'll see what I mean.

The device will move around and is meant to. There is a group of patients called twiddlers who can't leave the thing alone. Extreme twiddlers have reportedly managed to turn the device around.

I wouldn't let discomfort go on for too long or start worrying. Give it maybe another week then contact the clinic if it's still pain and not healing itch.

thank you Lavender and Piglet

by Ticketyboo - 2023-11-01 07:53:32

Both these comments are really helpful thank you.  The fact I still have some swelling makes your reponse, Lavender, very credible, but I will seek medical advice if it continues into  the next week, Piglet.

As an aside to this I went into the pacing clinic yesterday because the wound had opened up slightly and there was a sign of some superficial infection. I have been advised to keep it uncoverd and dry and am now on antibiotics . They noted at the clinic there was still  some swelling but did not seem unduly concerned . I have to go back to check there is no further infection in 10 days,  so if things are still painful then  will rase it with them  . This forum is so useful.This is such unknown territory and everybody reacts differently I'm sure.       Thank you again 

Good being watchful!

by Lavender - 2023-11-01 08:15:30

Wow so glad you went in for that superficial infection. Good it was caught and being managed with antibiotics. Don't touch it. Hopefully at your recheck, all will be well. 
Kudos on your watchfulness of the surgery site! 

I am over two years into my device. Those early days post surgery were challenging as things felt weird in there, kinda jabby and uncomfortable for about seven months. Now I honestly forget about it. 

You know you're wired when...

You run like the bionic woman.

Member Quotes

I finished 29th in London in 2 hours 20 minutes 30 seconds which is my fastest with or without a device so clearly it didn’t slow me down ! I had no problems apart from some slight chaffing on my scar - more Vaseline next time.