Very confused and nervous

I am a very physically active 48 yr old male. I have been diagnosed with a Bradycardia. I have a resting heart rate of 40-45. I have had a slow rate of 50-58 for 25 years. I am only now becoming symptomatic with dizziness, etc. I enjoy running and can get my heart to respond normally when I start running, but it slows to below normal when I stop. Since I only need help with my resting heart rate, are there clubmembers that can recommend the best PM? Rate responsive? Type of sensor? Single or dual leads? Blended sensor? Thanks for the help


Has dr recommended pacemaker?

by MSPACER - 2007-07-23 09:07:44


Have you had a 24 hour holter monitor? Did it show heart block or pauses? Your low resting heart rate is most likely from excessive vagal tone due to good conditioning. I am an athlete too, and ran into the same issues as you. I was getting dizzy and my heart rate was going very low, with pauses. My doctor asked me to stop working out for about a month. Has your doctor asked you to de-condition for a little while, and increase your fluid and salt intake? My doctor took a conservative approach first before recommending a pacemaker. Sometimes that helps with the dizziness. Although it did not help me, because I had some other issues, ask your doctor about trying something like that. Make sure you have an electrophysiologist evaluate you first also, before you make your decision.


by randrews - 2007-07-24 09:07:49

Our cases are similar. I have had my pm 4 months now and was 47 when I got it. I was also active and a runner. My bpm go up normally but my resting rate was in the 30's. It got to where I only felt good when I was running. When I passed out while watching tv was when they put the pm in. I have a medtronic and I guess it's ok. I felt aweful for a while but turning off the rate response like Cathryn said really helped. then I just need some time to adjust. I have a dual lead. The top chamber paces 70% of the time and the bottom almost never. But that stuff is all individual. My doctor gave me permission to run one week after the operation. But the nurse called me and told me to stop as a precaution. Take some time, remember, this a big deal to your body, but you will return to normal. I'm back to running and trying to get back to where I was.
Let us know how you are doing. How are you dealing with this emotionally?
Take care friend,

You know you're wired when...

You fondly named your implanted buddy.

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The experience of having a couple of lengths of wire fed into your heart muscle and an electronic 'box' tucked under the skin is not an insignificant event, but you will survive.