I would like to apologize

I dont want to stir anything up again, but I feel the need to apologize for posting some of the comments I did about the joke. Going through a lot right now, which still is not an excuse, but just wanted to say I am sorry.



you want to apologize!!!!

by jessie - 2008-03-06 08:03:39

never mind you what about me? don't worry about it. we all get out of line and i for one can only remember my own comments not yours. i have resurfaced in winterhaven florida. it is warm and i am missing all the bad storms in canada. so hope you are okay and i will be thinking of you no matter what you are going through. your friend jessie i love you all

Yeah, Sunshine!

by auntiesamm - 2008-03-06 09:03:10

Hi Maureen,

How wonderful to be out of that bitter cold and into the sun! Although there has been some crummy weather in parts of FL. For the past few days we have had glorious, warm sunshine and I revel in it. My dog and I have walked and walked and walked! Just love going along slow and soaking it up. A few days ago we walked by an area with patches of daffodils blooming. A harbinger of spring here in So Calif. For how many months will you stay in FL? Do you have family there? Or, friends? Enjoy every single minute of your time as you thaw out! LOL Blessings and good health sent your way.



by jessie - 2008-03-06 09:03:31

hi we are here for a month. we love it so far. yes there are friends here which is lovely. it is a 55 year and above community and so we have a chance to see if we really like it for next year. it is raining heavy right now but they need the rain. we are so grateful to be out of that cold and snow. hope you are doing well you and cliff. so nice to hear from you. glad the weather is warming. take care your friend maureen

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